much ado about draco

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"Well, this is where I leave you and the groundskeeper of your school will take over," Catherine's father said. He turned to Catherine completely and engulfed her in a hug.

"Have a good year at school. I love you, darling."

"I love you, too, Daddy."

Her father then pulled away and apparated.

"Is he not dropping you off at Kings Cross?" asked Mrs. Weasley from behind her.

Catherine shook her head with a sad smile.

"He hasn't done that since I was in second year. I usually go alone."

"Oh, pish posh, you will come with us. We will extend your stay until the start of term," she amended. "Now, come along, dear. We need to get you fitted for your robes."

The whole party dispersed. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Catherine went to Madam Malkin's, and the rest of the Weasley clan, excluding Mr. Weasley went to another shop. Mr. Weasley politely waited outside for them as he chatted with Hagrid and another colleague of his that Catherine recognized. He tipped his hat to her, which she replied with a brief smile.

However, that smile was long gone when she walked inside. Draco Malfoy was being fitted for robes with Narcissa. His grey eyes held less expression than usual as he frostily glared at Madam Malkin.

"Harry, let's go somewhere else," whispered Catherine. She was not in the mood for a confrontation with Draco because that would simply lead to more sleepless nights, and she ached for good night's rest tonight.

However, Harry only smiled at her and dragged her inside.

"Mr. Potter," Madam Malkin gleefully greeted. She set down the pins for Draco's robes and walked over to him.

Catherine hid behind a mannequin out of the hateful eyes of Narcissa.

"I'll go get you some preliminary robes. One moment, please."

Catherine watched Narcissa as she stood up with an arched eyebrow at Harry.

"Well, well, if it isn't the famous Potter, blood traitor, and well, you know what you are, dear," she airly said. She walked forward with her usual grace. Her hand flew to Hermione's unruly curls.

"These remind me of my sister's, I daresay."

"I dare you don't say that," spat Ron.

Hermione slapped her hand away, which elicited a snarl from Narcissa. Madam Malkin returned and handed Harry his robes.

"Here you go, dear. Please put these on, and I'll hurry to be with you."

"You will do no such thing, witch," Draco spat. "You will perfect mine before you shove your head up the arse of the holy chosen one."

The woman blushed and went back to the arms of his robes. However, her hand brushed his left arm too harshly, and Draco recoiled at the action.

"Watch yourself, witch."

"My apologies, Mr. Malfoy."

"Don't apologize, Madam," Ron said. "He's only going to threaten something about his father. However, I do believe that threat is now gone, isn't it, Malfoy?"

Narcissa drew her wand on him. Harry stepped in front of his friend.

"I wouldn't do anything reckless, Mrs. Malfoy. You don't want to be sharing a cell with your husband, now do you?"

Before she could throw a curse, Catherine walked out of her hiding space.

"Mrs. Malfoy."

"Catherine," she slightly smiled. "I was sad to not see you over the holiday and to hear you broke off your engagement to Draco. He had to propose to that Greengrass blood traitor's sister."

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