someone not-so-great

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Pansy and Blaise waved Catherine goodbye as she walked off the train. She found her house elf Gimlet waiting for her by the Platform's entrance. The house elf apparated them both back to her family's manor.

Catherine took in a sharp breath at the sight of the home.

"Mistress and Master are not here, young Mistress," Gimlet spoke quietly.

Catherine nodded, but she didn't make eye contact. She pulled open the oak doors to see the house remained untouched and clean.

"I'll only be here for one day and one night."

She turned away from the house elf completely and dutifully walked off to her father's study. When she was a child, Catherine had figured out how to get inside. And now that Catherine was seventeen years old, she had the means necessary to get inside.

Catherine extracted her wand and held it up to the lock. The door nearly ingested it before it spat it back out at her.

It then swung open.

Daniel's study was dark. Everything was black wood with little to no dust on every surface. The handles for all the desks and drawers were a silver metal. Nothing seemed to be touched.

Catherine walked over to his desk after she closed the door behind her. She opened the bottom drawer of his desk. Inside, she reached for a large folder marked "Hogwarts Confidential 1970-1980."

She extracted the book and set it on the desk.

"Engorgio," she murmured with a wave of her wand.

The book split open and enlarged to twice its size. The pages became pockets there were filled with memories with names on them.

Catherine flipped to the tab that was the largest one: "The Marauders." It flew open and revealed a pouch filled with vials. These vials were all memories.

Back when Catherine was originally under the belief that she would be attending Beauxbatons and not Hogwarts, Catherine sat down with her father over a steaming cup of tea. Daniel Collins told her a story about Hogwarts.

"When we were given detentions, they often asked us to extract memories from it so that we could give them a full story of what happened," Daniel smiled.

"Well, that's cool!"

He looked down at her with a glint in his eyes.

"Well, the problem was that I didn't want those memories to be around forever. So, I took all of them."

"You did, Daddy?"

"Yes, they are all right here," Daniel gestured to a book.

He picked it up and handed it to her. Catherine looked down in confusion at the large book; it was too small to be filled with memories.

"But it's too small," she murmured.


The book transformed before her eyes, which twinkled with interest. Daniel chuckled at her expression and opened it to a tab that said "The Marauders."

"These are my favorite memories. Your mother and I were in the year above these boys; I wasn't really friends with them for reasons that you won't understand yet. However, whenever I feel sad, I watch these memories. However, Catherine, I need to ask something of you."

Daniel slowly closed the book and turned to face her with a serious expression. Catherine ran her hand through her long curls.

"Of course, Daddy."

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