how to lose a witch in ten minutes

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Catherine walked into Professor Snape's office on Tuesday evening after dinner. Pansy and Daphne were at the Slytherin quidditch practice since Blaise had made the team. It surprised everyone when Blaise was offered a spot by Draco, the new quidditch captain.

However, Catherine wasn't surprised. She knew that Draco longed for Blaise to be his friend again, even if he didn't care to admit it. She saw Draco look sicklier and sicklier as the days ticked by. His hair was messier, his eyes grew shadowy, and his posture became a slouch. Draco looked much like she had over the summer holiday. Yet, Catherine knew that Theo would take care of him, and, even though she hated to admit it, Astoria would too.

Snape looked up from a pile of parchment. He raised a hand for her to sit in one of his chairs.

"Hello, Ms. Collins."

"Professor Snape, how are you?"

"Well enough. Now, tell me, what do you know of Occlumency?"

Catherine smiled, "Enough to know that in this war it will be extremely useful."

"Indeed. Now, I will simply try to access your mind, and you must block me out. Understood?"

She nodded, "Yes."

Snape stood up and rounded her chair. He pulled up his sleeves and extracted his wand.


Catherine felt a searing pain fill her head as she attempted to concentrate on an inconsequential memory. Instead, her mind opened, and the memory of her mother using the Cruciatus filled her head.

Catherine let out an almost piercing scream.

Snape released his hold on her mind. He scrutinized her for a minute.

"Again. Legilimens!"

This time, Catherine was able to hold onto the memory of Pansy and her gossiping in the Slytherin common room for a second longer. However, it soon faded to one of Harry and her on the pitch the night before.

Once again, Snape pulled away for a second, but his expression was unreadable this time.

"Again. Legilimens!"

Catherine chose a stronger memory to plague her thoughts and consume her senses. She chose one of Cedric and her kissing for the first time. Like a Patronus, she let it completely ensnare her, and it was the only thing to be seen in her head. Except her concentration faltered, and her head was filled by Sirius' death.


Snape raised an eyebrow.

"Am I wasting my time, Ms. Collins? I don't like training the weak."

"I'm not weak," Catherine replied.

"Then show me."

This time, Snape did not give her a warning. He wordlessly used the spell, and Catherine let him see into another memory of Cedric. It was the Yule Ball. She made herself focus on it, and she replayed the kiss and confession over and over again.

Snape finally released his hold and gave her an expression close to a smile.

"Good. Now, have some water, then we will continue."

"Alright," she shakely conceded.

Afterwards, Snape continued to invade her mind. Catherine found that she wasn't a natural at Occlumency, which frustrated her. She was a very guarded person, so it was a surprise. Her emotions did not lead her decisions, nor was she particularly open about her feelings. Catherine was confused why this wasn't working.

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