love, voldemort

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Catherine steadily stepped around the pillar so that she was face-to-face with the Dark Lord himself. His serpentine, red eyes appraised her with mild boredom.

She settled her face into a blank stare. Voldemort would have raised an eyebrow at her, but he didn't have any.

"My Lord," she mockingly bowed.

Voldemort nodded, "Hello, Catherine, I see you've finally found your mother's secret."

Catherine really needed to get better at Occlumency.

"You are progressing, child."

"Er, thanks?"

"Why don't we sit until Mr. Nott arrives back?"

"Well, actually, I was just, erm, leaving, so-"

"Sit and have tea with me, Catherine. I believe that I kept your pathetic father alive to teach you manners, so you should use them so that I keep him that way."

"Of course, sir," Catherine simpered.

Voldemort turned around and walked over to the drawing room sitting area. He flicked his bony, gaunt hand to start a fire. He then slowly sat in one of the leather black chairs.

Catherine used every little fiber in her body to mimic his movements. She sat down and stared into the burning embers with her usual aristocratic posture.

"Well, Catherine, as you know, you will come to me once you are done with schooling."

"As you've stated," Catherine waved the letter.

"Yes, my child, and we will rid you of the issue of your pathetic, spineless father. You will train under one of my most loyal followers, Bellatrix Lestrange."

Catherine's body ran cold, and an image of the maniacal woman flashed inside her head. However, Catherine made sure to keep her Occlumency shields up around any other parts of her brain that recognized that woman's name.

"Of course, my Lord."

"I'm glad you understand. Ah, young Mr. Nott, I see you have summoned tea."

"Yes, I have, my Lord," Theo coldy said. He then turned to Catherine and raised an eyebrow calmly.

Catherine extended her hand, which he took a laid a kiss on. She then returned her hands into her lap.

"Catherine," Theo greeted.

"Theo," she slowly inclined her head.

Voldemort watched the display in front of him as he witnessed the pureblood mannerisms that any woman in his ranks must possess. He didn't especially like the way Bellatrix acted without propriety; it appeared unhinged, and Voldemort did not want to see unhinged. He was a genius, a revolutionist, not an insane man. Well, that's at least what he thought to himself.

Theo took a seat on the chair next to Catherine as the room fell into silence. Voldemort took a long sip of his tea as he watched the cold eyes of Catherine look anywhere but at Theo or himself.

"So, Catherine, how are your studies progressing?"

"Quite well, my Lord."

"And you are working toward how many N.E.W.Ts?"

"Six with two electives that I hope to gain as N.E.W.Ts as well."

"Very good. You will do well as Head Girl next year, I venture."

"I will," Catherine confidently responded. The last thing she wanted was to have the Dark Lord think that she would lose the position to a Muggle-born witch that bested her in her studies.

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