as good as catherine gets

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Catherine left to go to the Prefects' compartment later into the train ride. As she made her way there, she nearly knocked over a man. He was a stout man with a rather red face; he reminded her of the Muggles' depictions of Santa Claus without a beard.

"I'm so sorry, sir," she apologized.

The man smiled at her before he extended his hand. He was profoundly interested in who the girl with such great beauty was.

"I'm Professor Slughorn."

Catherine remembered the man's name from Harry's late night lamenting. He had said he was a jovial man that had a quite interesting disposition and a knack for collecting children.

"I'm Catherine Collins, sir."

His eyes widened as he shook her hand with a large smile pasted to his round face.

"Well, I've heard of you, of course! Your father works at the Ministry, quite high up so I've heard."

"Yes, Professor," she nodded.

"Well, then I suppose I should extend an invitation to a meeting for my club. It's a group of exceptional wizards and witches at Hogwarts."

"I would be honored, sir. I don't believe I have to arrive at my prefect meeting until a quarter past one, so I am free until then."

"Wonderful, wonderful, come along. I'll escort you myself," Slughorn offered her his arm. Catherine gingerly laced her hand in it and followed him to one of the larger compartments. Harry, Ginny, Blaise, Neville, Marcus Belby, and Cormac McLaggen sat in there awkwardly. Catherine warmly smiled at Neville and scooted in between him and Blaise, much to both of their reliefs. It's not that the two boys didn't get along, it was just odd for them to be in the same social circles.

"Hello, students, and welcome to the first Slug Club luncheon. Please, dig in," Slughorn clapped.

Catherine didn't even move to grab a sandwich. It wasn't like she ate anyway.

"So, Mr. Potter, tell me, are you really the Chosen One?"

Harry choked on his sandwich, but he managed a smile.

"Sure, I suppose. I dunno."

"Hm, Ms. Collins, do you think so?"

Catherine looked over at the boy who had captured her affections. His messy black hair and rounded glasses caused her cold heart to skip a beat.

"I see no reason that he wouldn't be," she replied.

Harry half-smiled at her with the same look of adoration that she had seen earlier that day. It did not go unnoticed to a smirking Blaise and a grinning Ginny. However, Neville seemed a bit lost.

The rest of the luncheon was boring. Catherine was about to jump off the train if Slughorn asked Harry one more annoying question. He had asked Harry what it was like having dead parents. Catherine was shocked, but she simply would give her opinion as needed.

When the meeting ended, Slughorn asked Ginny, Harry, and Catherine to stay behind. She said goodbye to Neville and Blaise.

"You three present the qualities that I like in my members. I will be holding a dinner party later into the term, I expect to see you lot there," he grinned.

Catherine smiled, "Of course, sir."

Harry nodded along with Ginny, who seemed less than pleased that she was forced to partake in this ridiculous club. Catherine agreed, the witch had no extraordinary abilities besides her anger, Bat-Bogey Hex, and decent quidditch prowess. However, Catherine merely glossed over it and headed to the prefects' compartment.

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