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"Oh, my bed, my sweet comfy bed." I launch myself on top of the covers rolling my body over them.
"Can we join you or do you need a moment alone?" Jungkook asks with Jimin by his side.
"You can come in but only for cuddles."
They both hurry to jump on the bed as well. We giggle and just cherish our time together, huddled one against the other, arms and legs entangled until we fall asleep completely exhausted from the long flight home.

"Baby Girl. Get up." I can hear Jin's voice far away. I try to open my eyes but it's hard.
"I'm coming, Jin." Even I, can just barely hear my voice.
A cold hand rests against my forehead, then I hear steps rushing away. I try to move, to roll over but with every attempt, my body aches.
"She is sick, we need to call the doctor, Joon." Jin's voice comes closer when the bed drops on both sides. Another pair of cold fingers come in contact with my skin.
"You are right, she is burning up. You get the medicine to reduce her temperature and I call our doctor." Namjoon's concerned tone makes me want to get up to show them that I am fine, no need to worry.
As my upper body lifts from the bed, my eyes still close, I feel a soft touch against my shoulders.
"Baby Girl, you are sick. You need to stay in bed. We will take care of you." The oldest voice is smooth and I obey his push to lay back down.
"Jin-hyung, hurry it's Jimin-ah and Jungkookie." Taehyung's words are cut short as I imagine he looks over at me.
"Is she okay?"
"She is sick, Tae. She has a fever."
"She has one too? Same as Jimin-ah and Jungkookie."
My body twitches when I hear that my boys are sick too. Again, I attempt to get up but Jin is not having it, pushing me back harder.
"Need to see them." I mumble my eyes half-open. Maybe I should have kept them close because the oldest facial expression just made me realize how awful I must look.
"You will but not right now. You are too weak, my love." Jin squeezes my hand as I hear more steps running towards my room.
"The doctor is on his way." Namjoon exclaimed a little too loud, making me squeeze my eyes as it hurts my head so badly.
"Ssshht, not so loud, she must have a headache." Without seeing him, I can feel that Hobi is next to me.
"The doctor also needs to check on Jiminie and Kookie." Jin informs the leader as he gets up. "I will go and check on them. Taehyung you are with me. Hoseok can you manage to look after her?"
There is no audible answer but I guess Hobi just nods at his hyung.
"Here is the medicine."
My ears capture a package being thrown and caught. "Make sure she takes one with a glass of water."
"I've got this, Joon. Don't worry. Go and check on the boys with Jin and Tae."
"Where is Suga-hyung by the way?"
"He went out early today for his studio. I will call him to inform him about the situation."
"Okay good. The doctor should be here any minute." I hear the door close and the bed dripping next to my upper body.
"Hey, Beautiful." Soft fingers brush a strand of hair off my forehead. "I will help you lift your upper body so you can take the medicine."
I feel Hobi's soft touch under my back as he hoists me up to his front against mine. My arms go limp as I do not even have enough strength to hold on to his neck.
"Open your sweet lips, Beautiful."
Even if he tries to hide it I can sense how anxious he is. As I open my mouth, I start to cough. Slowly he brings the glass towards me, my lips touching the cold glass. I take a small sip but my throat hurts as I gulp it down. The cold material leaves my lips for a moment. With shaky fingers, he places the pill on my tongue, before returning the glass to settle it against my lower lips. It takes all my strength to swallow it down. Hobi lays me back on the pillow after he checks that the medicine is gone.
"Thank you." My voice is hoarse and low.
"Always Beautiful. Now rest, the doctor will be here soon." I can feel his cold fingers brushing through my hair when I drift off to a deep sleep.
I awake to a lot of loud voices in my bedroom. I quiver and squirm as my head aches badly.
"Yah, you have woken her up."
This time it is Yoongi's voice close to my ear.
"Hey, Babe. How are you?"
"Hurt... Everywhere." Yoongi's fingers caress over my arms making me shiver because they feel ice cold.
"The doctor just left. You have a virus, same as Kookie and Jimin."
"Bring them." I just want my boys close. I know that having them with me, will make this more bearable because even if my body hurts like hell, my mind aches at least as badly because I am so worried about them.
I feel Yoongi leaving my side. There are murmurs outside the door before he comes back.
"The other members will bring them. They have asked for you as well."

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