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I am surprised that Hoseok does not behave out of the ordinary during the day. I am quite sure that it had been him watching me and Namjoon in the office yesterday. I decide to not push it and just let it be.
Each day I get to know these men better and one thing is for sure if they want something from me a talk, a hug, or even sex they will let me know.

Yet there is one person who seems to follow each of my motions today. Every interaction I have with one of the men of the group triggers a growl or a dark stare from him.

Jungkook and I didn't have that much-needed talk. Until now, I still feel like he is not interested to spend any personal time with me. But then again, he had been in my bed a few days ago. However, that could also be because his hyungs had told him to do so. This whole situation left me frustrated and so I decided that I will seize the next opportunity, he is alone, to talk to him. This chance comes sooner than later.

After breakfast, the youngest goes back to his room while the rest of the group prepares to leave for work.
"Is Jungkook not coming with you?" I ask Namjoon when I give him his 'good luck kiss' as he calls it.
"No, he has the day off but I am not sure if he stays in. Maybe you can ask him later?" He fills me in before leaving with my other men.

I wait a bit not wanting to appear too desperate to talk to him. When I knock on his door, he does not answer me. I try again but after the third time, I start to get angry.
"I know you are inside Jungkook. Can you please stop avoiding me? I just want to talk to you." I wait for another minute without a reaction. "Here is the deal, or you let me in, or I will have to rethink if I really want to be in this contract? It's your choice?" At this point, I would not have gone through with my wish to terminate the contract but Jungkook was not aware of my little bluff. Also, his reaction will show me if he really wants me to be with them or not.
"Alright, come in." He sounds annoyed but right now I couldn't care less because I am pissed too.

When I enter his room, he does not acknowledge my presence at all. He is in front of his TV, playing some online shooter game. I take deep puffs to calm myself. I don't want to hurt him in any way, knowing that it would only make things worse.
I stroll towards his bed and watch him play several rounds. He hasn't talked to me since I came inside. Nevertheless, my stares seem to work. After another game, he sets his controller with too much force down on the desk before him.
"What do you want to talk about?" His tone is not very friendly and it takes a lot for me to keep my cool.
"You are quite good at this game. Aren't you?"
He shot me a glare that made me shudder.
"Did you really come here to talk to me about my gaming skills?"

 "Did you really come here to talk to me about my gaming skills?"

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"Yes, and no. I think until now we have never really shared anything. So could you maybe show me how to play?"
I could see the confusion in his eyes but I hoped that he would be willing to let his guard down and let me in.
"Okay, come here. I just hope you are not a naturally talented player or showing you will surely piss me off." He informs me but I can see that he does not mean it seriously.
For the next hour, Jungkook tries his best to demonstrate to me how to play this game but I fail miserably over and over again. At least we both have fun which makes the tension in the room disappear little by little.
"I hope you will not be mad at me but I have to ask because it is troubling me. Is there a reason why you try to keep your distance from me? Do you not like me?" He retreats a bit as I am still playing. I start to fear that he will shut me out once again. But then his eyes stare into mine and what I see is insecurity.
"It is not that I don't like you? Look at you. You are beautiful, funny, and caring. What man would not want to be with you?" I raise my eyebrows at his surprising confession. I halt the game, putting the controller aside.
"So if that is not the problem. Then what is it? Are you already in love with someone else? Because I am sorry but I don't get why you are avoiding me."
"I don't know..."
"Know what?" I have no clue what he will reveal to me.
"If I like...girls." Okay, that takes me by surprise. Right now, he looks lost therefore I have to give my all to make him trust me so he can open up to me. "Can you please not tell the others? They all think that I am straight."
I pat the bed next to me to make him sit closer to me.
"First I promise you that I will keep this to myself. However, what makes you doubt your sexual orientation?"
A long moment pass, where I just sit next to him and let him judge if he wants to tell me more about it.
"Let's say that the first time I was with a girl was not an enjoyable experience, to say the least."
"Jungkook, look at me." I lift his head that was turned downwards. "First of all, with how many girls have you been exactly?"
"One." His voice is so small that I just want to take him in my arms and tell him that everything is okay.
"It was one time?" He only nods shyly but his gaze is still on mine which makes me see how vulnerable he is.
"Can you maybe let me in on more to what was the problem with your experience with that girl?"
He then proceeds to confide in me how he did not really know the girl. She had been a classmate in his senior year and his school friends had arranged the date. They went out two times when she asked him to come to her house. He was really nervous and the girl did not show interest in him. She just laid on the bed and told him to do his thing. After he did not even come because he could not feel pleasure at all, the girl laughed at him before threatening him to go public if he would not date her. He was scared at first so he went out with her for some time even if he knew that she only wanted him for his fame.
"We have never even kissed." He resumed and I felt my heart clench at his confession.
"One day when I was totally desperate, our CEO saw me. He brought me to confess the whole thing. He was also the one to put an end to the relationship. He even instructed his lawyers to go after her if she ever told someone about her encounter with me."
Anger is starting to rise inside me when I see tears filling his eyes.
"Jungkook, look at me. I can assure you that what she did is not how it normally goes between a man and a woman. I hope you know that. And if you worry that you are not experienced enough. The saying 'practice makes perfect' does also apply to kissing and even sex. Yet, if you don't start practice how can you don't like it." I take a deep breath before I continue. "As for your sexual orientation? Do you feel attracted to men? I have to say you are surrounded by handsome men on a daily basis. Not only at home but also in the business line you work."
He still looks at me with these big eyes full of confusion.
"I am not sure." He retorts, his voice still full of insecurities. I take his hands in mine to bring him more comfort.
"Would you want to give it another try with a woman? I would be happy to share my pieces of knowledge with you. But only if you are 100% okay with it?"
For a short moment, I think I see his gaze change then lunges forward in an attempt to capture my lips.
I put my hands against his chest to stop him. Slowly but surely, I lean closer to offer him a tender kiss. "There is no need to rush things." He nods, closes the gap between us again, and this time the kiss is actually really good.
Soon, I lick over his bottom lip to make him open his mouth slightly. Then I let my tongue slip into his mouth. The moment our tongues touch, he lets out a sensual moan that brings direct wetness between my legs.

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