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The whole plan of revealing me to the fans is suddenly urged forward when Namjoon informs the group that they are scheduled to stay for a week in the US to do some interviews and performances for TV and radio stations.
"We can't leave her here?" Hoseok exclaims as he pulls me on his lap. "Or you are going with us, or we do not go at all!"
The little pout on his face is too cute to refrain from kissing it away.
"I know!" Namjoon lets out, "But not going is not an option."
"Jagiya, have you given more thoughts about the vlive we have talked about?" Taehyung, who is standing next to me, kisses the crown of my head.
"Well, yes, I have. Yet, I am still not sure if it will be a great idea." I confess, looking at the men around the table.
"If she is not convinced at 100% then we are not going to do it." Jin declares firmly.
"But what are the alternatives?" Jimin joins the conversation.
"I don't know." I can see and hear Namjoon despair to find a solution to this whole problem.
"We will do it!" I let out as seven pairs of eyes look at me in astonishment.
"We will ???" Jungkook exclaims, surprise and excitement lingering in his voice.
"Yes, we will. However, before we do it, I need you guys to come up with a plan on how to introduce me to your fans and not hate all the hate on you and me." Their faces turn serious again.
"Okay, we can do that!" Taehyung lets out convincingly.

Only hours later, Taehyung asks all his band members to come to his bedroom

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Only hours later, Taehyung asks all his band members to come to his bedroom.
When they are all seated, he looks at them while pacing the room.
"So, I found a solution for how to introduce our girlfriend to our fandom?" He starts to explain as he nervously walks around.
"Tae, calm down. What is it?" Jimin asks as he pulls his friend to sit next to him.
"The best way would be to introduce her to the fans is as our fiancée!" He notifies the group, his leg jiggling up and down.
"I am sorry but first of all, did it take you all this time to come up with that, Baby Boy? And secondly, how do you think they will react to her being a girlfriend or even fiancée to all seven of us?" Suga looks Taehyung straight in the eyes as he hopes that he has not hurt the younger man's feelings.
"Then just my fiancée?" Tae says, not very confidently.
"What do you mean?" Namjoon sits to his other side, putting his hand on his leg to calm him down.
"I have been thinking about this for a long time, even when I was serving my country. I want to marry Y/N!" Now, the confidence was clearly back in his voice.
"But we are all in love with her." Jungkook intervenes, looking all sad.
"I know Kook, and I will never take her away from any of you, the same way as I could never break up with any of you. Yet marrying her would bring the security we all seek to find for her."

Hoseok steps closer and squats before Taehyung.
"You know what, I find that this is a great idea." He tells his dongsaeng before kissing him gently.
"So. you are okay with me asking her to marry me?"
"Of course. If she is married to one of us, then the company cannot take her away." The dancer informs the group while he goes to sit back on the floor next to the door.
"How about the rest of you? How do you feel about the plan?" Taehyung inquires, scanning the room.
"You have my blessing," Jimin reveals to him as he pecks his cheek.
"Mine as well, Baby Boy!" Yoongi gives him a wink and a bright smile.
"As long as you promise to not use your husband's card to get more time with her, I am okay with it!" The youngest underlines his words with a smirk.
"And you have mine as well." Namjoon hugs his boyfriend gently as he puts a kiss on his forehead.
Taehyung's eyes wander over to the oldest of the group, who has been very quiet until now.
"Jin-hyung? You know that your blessing counts the most for me."
Jin scans the room, glancing at all the men that make his life complete and happy right now, as they smile at him.
"Go ahead. You have mine too." He replies simply before lowering his gaze.
Taehyung jumps up and down as the excitement flows through his body.
"Who wants to go ring shopping with me?" He invites the people around him.
"Oh, I am definitely not saying no to that invitation." Jimin stands up and joins Taehyung, who gestures for his friend to come in his arms.
"Can I come too?" Hoseok moves closer to the pair.
"Of course. I love to have your input as the fashion guru of this group." Taehyung lets out as Hoseok looks at him in confusion.
"We are only getting a ring? Right?" The dancer questions, holding Tae at arm's length.
"Yes, and maybe some clothes." The younger man chuckles as he pulls his hyung against his body.
The rest of the group has to decline the offer as they have other plans.

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