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⚠️Trigger Warning : mention of miscarriage ⚠️

"You were saying Us? Did you meet someone?" Jimin asks naively.
"Who is it? Who did you meet?" Jungkook joined as Jin's gaze wanders through the apartment.
He is very confused as he knows what she meant by saying Us but there is nothing in this room that would undermine his assumption.
The oldest looks up at his girlfriend's face and he knows he is right, he knows she will just break their hearts.
"There is no other man!" Namjoon shouts at Jungkook and Jimin.
"But..." Jimin tries to intervene but he knows better as he looks into his friend's dark stare.
"Please let me explain. Two months after I was forced out of the dorm and left to live in a single room on top of the restaurant I worked 16 hours a day, I found out I was pregnant." Tears are streaming down my face as I sob, remembering how I felt that day.
"You were what?" Jungkook exclaims dramatically.
"She was pregnant. Don't play dumb!" Yoongi scolds the youngest.
"Can I ask if you know who the father is?" Hoseok asks shyly.
"No, I am sorry. It can be any of you."
"And it doesn't matter!" Jin declares firmly as he holds my stare to comfort me.
"So, what happened next?" Taehyung urges me to continue, knowing that something must have occurred.
"In my despair, I went to your company to ask for help. I was lucky to get a meeting with the CEO and some of your managers. I begged them to let you know and to support me....us, until you would come back." I let my head rest in my hands when I recall the furious and disgusted stares the men had given me that day in the CEO's office.
"They asked me to wait outside so they could consult on what to do about the situation. When I was led back inside, they shoved a copy of our terminated contract in front of my face. They pointed out that I was not allowed to go to the media with this. But that had never been my intention." I look up, needing to see in their eyes that they believe me.
"I have explained to them that I still loved you and that this baby was not planned, that it was not a scheme from me to get back to be with you. But they would not believe me. As before, they threatened me, threatened to make my life even more miserable if I would not agree to cooperate with their plan!"
"To change your identity?" Jimin is now sitting on his heels on the couch, curiosity all over his face.
"No!" I need a minute to collect myself, "to have an abortion."

Hoseok jumps up and runs out the door that closes behind him with a loud bang. Yoongi is up and after him the next second. Their argument outside in the hallway is hearable for everyone.
"Where are you going, Hoba?" Yoongi shouts in front of the door. Hoseok's steps come closer again.
"Where do you think? The company. I am out! I can't do this! They wanted her to get rid of our baby. They asked her to kill our child! And they did not even inform us!" Hoseok's voice is loud and with every word it becomes more of a whining.
"Hoba! Stop!" Yoongi shouts, "We are all in this, not only you. And how do you think Y/N is feeling?"
"Aaaaaahhhhh" It is the most desperate sound Hoseok has ever let out.
"Listen to me." Yoongi told him more calmly, "We are here now. And I promise you we will find a way to get back to them. Just let's be clever about it."
Yoongi comes closer to Hoseok and pulls him into a hug as the dancer cannot hold back his tears.

As we all listen to their argument in the hallway, Jin comes to sit next to me.
"Baby Girl, I know you said no hugs but can I have one." I look up at his face and the sadness in his eyes just breaks me. I let go of all my resistance and let his strong arms come around me to comfort me as I start to cry again.
Finally, the two men come back inside the apartment.
"I am sorry Beautiful. I should not have."
"Hobi, come here." I extend my hand to bring him towards me. "You do not need to apologize for showing me that you care about me." I stand up and peck his cheek.
I give Yoongi a small 'thank you' smile as he guides Hoseok back to where they were sitting before the outburst.
Jin stays next to me, his arm around my shoulder for support.
"Sweety, I hope you did not agree with the company?" Namjoon lets out in a small voice.
"Well, I was alone, with no money and they were threatening me... So I told them to make an appointment."
"What? But..." I can see how hurt Tae is so I halt him with my hand.
"And I did go to the clinic for the said appointment. However, when I was waiting, I saw this magazine on the table with all of your smiling faces on the cover. The next thing I knew, I was running outside and I did not stop until I reached my home."
I can see relief in everyone's eyes.
Jin kisses the top of my head as I squeeze his hand. When I look up at him though, I cannot hide my sadness and I feel terrible when I see him close his eyes as he realizes that it is not over.
"Guys, please let her finish," Jin interrupts the group when they start to talk and laugh among themselves. "Go on Baby Girl."
"So, once I was back home, I concluded that I needed to protect me and my baby until you would come back from the military. The next day, I went to change my name to be sure that your company would not find me. I also moved to Busan and found another little room to stay in."
"You even moved to Busan? Did you like it?" Jungkook asks interested.

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