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Hoseok returns only minutes later, out of breath. He looks at Jin, then at the others.
"Where is Jungkook?" Jimin asks as Hoseok bends forward to catch his breath.
"He was too fast. When I exited the front of the building, I saw him running off to the main street. Then I lost him." The dancer explains, raising his head to look at Jin.
The oldest finally moves, being frozen on the spot since Jungkook has stormed out of the dorm.
"I will call him." Namjoon lets out when he takes his phone out of his pocket.
"Don't bother. His phone is on the table in the living room." Jin informs the leader as he walks back to his bedroom, closing the door before locking it.

His need to be alone right now was overwhelming him as he glides down against the door, letting his head rest on his knees. He replays the whole conversation in his head. There is not one moment in which he would say that he say or did something wrong. But he must have, seeing Jungkook's reaction. He closes his eyes and can see the youngest hurt face as tears stream down his face.

When the front door opens late that night, Jin rushes out of his room and down the stairs.
Disappointment fills him when he sees Hoseok and Yoongi in the living room.
"Is Jungkook back?" The oldest asks when he sits on the other couch.
"No. And we have been searching every place we could think of. He has disappeared." Yoongi informs Jin as he stands up to move over to sit with the oldest.
"I do not know what has Jungkook so troubled, but rest assured that you have done nothing wrong." Yoongi pats his hyung's back.
"Wanting to have a kid, a descendent is not a shame. And I understand that you want a family." Hoseok lets out when he sits on the other side of Jin, pulling him in a hug.
"We are all here for you. And for Jungkook. I hope he will be back soon." Yoongi declares as he stands up.
"Don't worry too much, Jin-hyung. He is a grown man. He knows we love him." Hoseok adds as Yoongi pulls him up.
Both men retreat to Yoongi's room, leaving Jin once again with his confused feelings. He lies down on the couch, too exhausted by it all to move another inch.

He awakes when the sun streams into the room, Namjoon and Jimin chatting in the kitchen.
"Did you have a good rest?" I ask my boyfriend, leaning down to kiss him gently. I giggle when I almost lose my balance due to the growing belly.
"No." Jin lets out sadly, removing the blanket I spread over him hours ago when I went to take a glass of water, finding him shivering on the couch.
"Is he back?" Jin asks me, sorrow in his eyes. I can only shake my head when he stands up, and oppositely from the other days, strolls to his room and not the kitchen.
"Did any of you get to talk to Jungkook?" I inquire when I enter the kitchen.
"No. No one can find him, Sweetie." Namjoon tells me when he pulls me in his arms.
"I am worried," I inform him as I let my head rest against his chest. "He has no one to talk to, and I worry that he might do something stupid."
"He will not." Jimin exclaims, "By now, I think he will just drown his sorrow in working out."
I smile at Jimin's try to lighten the mood, yet in his eyes, I can see that he is praying that he is right.

It's the third night that Jin is sleeping on the couch. Staying closer to the front door gives him hope that he will not miss his boyfriend when the latter finally decides to show up.
The front door shutting, not so silently, makes Jin jolt up from his sleep.
"Jungkook?" He asks sleepily, but there is no answer.
As he lifts his head, he can see the door of the youngest bedroom falling shut. Jin jumps up and runs to the said room. He lightly knocks at the door, calling out Jungkook's name. Suddenly, the door springs open, and Jin makes a disgusted face when he inhales the odor of alcohol hitting his nostrils.
"Are you drunk, Jungkookie?" Jin inquires when he looks at the maknae's bloodshot eyes.
"Why do you care?" Jungkook spits out, trying to close the door again, but Jin pushes it open, stepping inside.
Jungkook is walking over to his bed, sitting on the edge, looking at his feet.
Jin closes the door and locks it, not wanting anyone to disturb them.

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