Action||Robert Manion x Reader

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You walked through the crowd of people to reach the lounge where everyone gathered before a performance. The leather couch laid solemnly in the corner of the room. You walked over to it sitting down waiting for everyone to come out of the dressing rooms. 

You see you were currently waiting to wish your boyfriend Robert good luck before his show. He is part of a company called Starkid who put on Musical shows and upload them to youtube! You yourself weren't much of a Musical fan when you met Robert but once you started dating him it became a big part of your life.

 A couple of minutes passed while you were looking on your phone. You heard the door clicked open to reveal Lauren and Jon. You immediately jumped up and hugged them both. Out of all of Robert's friend you were most closest to Lauren she was like your big sister!Whereas Jon was one of your friends from High school. You never thought you two would be this close after high school.

" Y/N!"Lauren screeched."Looking stunning as always!"She poked my arm smiling."Oh, stop it! I am just loving your guy's costumes!"I took a step back to have a proper look at their costumes."Y/n I'm basically wearing a suit so you can't say anything!" Jon laughed at my slapping his palm to his head."Well, you still look very handsome!"You giggled adjusting his tie.

"HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME!?"You heard a voice come from the door frame."Do you think I would forget my boy?"You asked walking up to him. He shrugged raising his eyebrows. You gasped acting offended."Well in matter of facts I think you look very handsome!"You smiled wrapping your arms around his neck. He responded by wrapping his arms around your neck.

"2 MINUTES GUYS!"Nick shouted running around frantically behind the stage."Come on Rob we gotta go, mate!"Jon said patting his shoulder running out of the room with Lauren."It's my big scene soon!"Robert said pulling away from you smirking.

"I'm sure you will do great, "You looked up at him smiling. He smile soon turned into a frown for some reason."But I may need some good luck from you, "He puckered up his lips. You tutted laughing at his childish instincts.

 You met his lips and of course it felt like absolute joy. You lips melting together and moved perfectly in sync. You went to pull but his hand went to the back you back in. He smirked knowing he had you completely under his spell."Rob, you need to get to the stage, "You whispered putting your hand on his chest.

"stage, stage OH MY GOD STAGE!"He yelled putting his mic on running to the stage. He ran away to the stage as quick as possible but just as you were about to laugh he ran backwards to give you one last kiss.

"GO!"You laughed at him. He saluted you running off. You burst out laughing thinking about how much you love him. You went to pick up your phone but you saw next to your phone laid a grey wig. Robert had forgotten his wig.

 You mentally face palmed your forehead and grabbed it running to Nick."Professor Hidgens you seemed to not of grow old!"Lauren laughed in her character."What?"Robert said in his characters voice.

"I think I found the problem, "You laughed as you gave the wig to Nick."Honestly, this is what makes shows 10 times better," Nick chuckled to himself chucking the wig aside."Ah, you see my wife doesn't shout at me that much so I don't get stressed that much," He tried to make up some dramatic story after feeling on his head that there was no wig."There is something odd about this town you see, "He made a perfect save.

You really had one talented boyfriend.

A/n: YES I'M ALIVE SORRY!Lmao thank you for putting so much interest in this book I really appreciate it :)) This was requested by starkidpotters 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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