Food!/Brian Rosenthal

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A/n: Okay where do I start? First of all, I have decided to take up playing the ukelele and singing. Second of I have decided I have been fangirling over brian xD. Lastly, you guys are literally the best and I'm trying to find good ideas to write about! Btw sorry this is terrible 

Disclaimer: This came to me in a dream and yes ik brian wasn't actually at geeky con 2015 but just imagine he was XD xxxx

I sat down on the chair backstage taking a drink. We were doing a Q and A at Geeky con, I was really excited. I have to admit I am one of the hyper starkid, but most of us are anyway! I felt someones arms wrap around my waist. I didn't know who it was until they spoke. "Are you alright babe?" Said Brian. Brian had been my boyfriend for about a year now, me and Brian had been going really strong. Before we were a couple we were best friends but we would constantly flirt with each other."Yeah, I'm fine, just really excited!"I replied. He kissed my shoulder and started to make his way up to my neck."Get a room you two!!"Joey shouted walking past. I couldn't help but laugh to myself."You can't right now we have to go on stage," Dylan said.

Our names were being called one by one and sitting on a row of chairs."Here you're favourite Y/n L/n!"I walked on stage and just started to wave towards the crowd. The crowd erupted into applaud I was really happy! When we all on stage we started the Q and A.The questions were going well but in-between the questions I got really peckish. I decided to tap Brian and ask him."Brian!"He looked at me with a confused look."What's wrong love?"He looks so cute when he is confused."Do you have anything food on you?"He simply just shook his head. I sighed and slumped in my chair. I could hear him chuckle to himself. That's when I decided I was going to find some food.

"Wait Where Y/n going?"Jamie said. Everyone shrugged there shoulder except Brian."She's Probably finding food!"I was indeed! I went to look where we ate lunch first but it was all gone! The next person who always carries food would be Joey. I went to look in Joey backpack but NO FOOD!! I tried to find a vending machine but NOThiNG! I gave up on my adventure and decided to go back on the stage. I walked back on stage sulking."Awwww whats wrong N/n?"Joe spoke into the microphone."I can't find any food, "I mumbled into the microphone."Oh, don't worry Y/n we will find something after this is finished!"He replied. I made a grumpy face.

The questions kept coming. This one girl stood up and starting to speak into the microphone."Hello! I'm Anna and my question is for Y/n, well its kinda 2 questions."I smiled at her."Hi Anna, Go ahead! I am loving these questions!"She laughed and went ahead with her question."So first question you and Brian are dating what is the best thing about Brian?"That was going to be a hard question to answer."Well, there is quite a lot of thing but the main ones would have to be how he is loving and caring and his hair!"I look at Brian and smile. He looked back at me and decided to kiss my cheek, of course, some people got their phone out."Cute! Also, the second thing is I have a packet of M&Ms do you want it?"She said.

 I immediately started to get excited."Yes of course I will come get them!" Everyone started to laugh. I was running to Anna because I couldn't wait to get my hands on them M&Ms. When I got to her, I started to hug her and take the M&Ms. I kept thanking her and started to make my way back to the."We all knew someone was going to give her some food," Lauren spoke while trying not to laugh."Her middle name should be food!"Clark said laughing. I got back to my seat and opened the packet, I began to dig in."Do you want some?"I kicked Brians foot. He nodded. His response to that was opening his mouth. I took this chance to grab a handful and chuck them in his mouth. He was shocked but he couldn't laugh because the M&Ms would go everywhere.

I tried to keep my laughter in but Brian went as bright as a tomato and I burst out laughing. I heard a lot of little things dropping onto the floor. I looked over at Brian and saw that he lost it to. Me and Brain were just having a laughing fit on the floor."Wow!"Jaime said."What has just happened?"Holden asked confused at both of us."No that's normal for them and it is also called a healthy couple" Merideth smiled at us two."Yes, I second that but they are also a very weird couple," Dylan replied to Merideth."I know what they are they are the Food couple!"Joe said making everyone laugh.

Word count:843 

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