Read for me//Jeff Blim

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A/n: This was a request by @bea_amocami hope you enjoy this one it has to be my longest! I was just listening to one direction while writing this lmao. I think my writing is improving though!

You and Jeff had a very happy, intimate relationship. You'd been living together for a while now - almost six months - the newness was beginning to fade off, and routine monotony was starting to set it. Don't get it wrong, you were still more than excited to see one another at the end of the day, to fall asleep to the steady rhythm of one another's breathing and wake up in the morning wrapped in each other's arms. But some of the moments in between were starting to feel a bit too routine. Even something simple would shake things up at this point.

You did what you always did after your Wednesday evening run - you drew a bath, dropped in one of the Eucalyptus and lavender Epsom Salt bath bombs you loved and sank into the steaming water with your book. You had been in the bath for close to ten minutes, your hair was washed, you had your face mask on, thriving in your self-care routine when the bathroom door just opened and you nearly died of a heart attack- was your worst fear of being caught by a murderer while naked in the bath actually going to happen? "Oh, fuck! Wait, there you are! Sorry, love - shit!" Jeff stumbled - thank God it was just Jeff - "Jeff, it's okay!" You laughed after you caught your breath. "Sorry, fuck you gave me a fright!" He laughed, you looked at him wide eyed. "Oh, I gave YOU a fright? I'm the one naked in the tub, Jeff!" You argued playfully, his cheeks went bright red. "I'm sorry, i forgot you went on a run - I've been texting you and texting you to see what you wanted to do when you got back. I came in here to clean my teeth before you got back - wasn't expecting to see you in the bath as all!" He chuckled bashfully. "Well, looks like you found me!" You said, turning back to your book. As Jeff headed to the sink to clean his teeth.

"Do - do you do this often?" He asked, and you looked up at him, "Yeah, after my run every Wednesday. Most nights i shower after my run, but every Wednesday i like to go for a soak and read." You said with a shrug. Jeff let out a cute little "Huh," his bout full of toothpaste, "You done this since we moved in together?" He asked, his voice so cutely garbled, "Yeah, i've been doing it about three years now." You explained. He was quiet for a moment, and you tried to read another line from your book when you heard him clear his throat, "Do-um- do you always read?" He asked and you let out a chuckle, "Yes, Jeff. Yes i usually read in the bath." You said. "And you turn your face green like that?" He asked, "It's a face mask, Jeff. For my skin." You replied, "Oh, oh yeah." He pandered.

"Do you need something, Jeff?" You asked, biting your lip to stifle the giggle that was threatening to erupt out of the slight awkwardness of the situation - and from the fact that you could feel your boyfriend's eyes boring holes into your naked body. "Uh-um no, um but, I - now that you mention it?"" He chuckled, "Would you like to join me, Jeff?" You asked, reading his mind before he could trip over his words. "Only if you're ok with it!" He said defensively, but already whipping his jumper over his head, which made you laugh. "Come on, Jeff!" You said, putting down your book and rinsing the mask off your face before draining some of the now tepid water and running fresh, hot water to the bath while he undressed.

You slid forward in the tub to allow Jeff plenty of room to settle in behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back against him, his fingers gently running through your wet hair as you rested your head against his chest. "I can't believe you do this every week and I had no idea!" He sighed to himself as he played with your hair. "Well, I usually do it before you come home. You've had some zoom calls with the other starkids or you're writing musiz. You may have just not been home." You said, feeling your eyes close at the pleasure you were feeling from Jeff's touch. "If I'd have known this is what you do when I'm gone, I'd never leave!" He admitted with a chuckle. "You're so pretty." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss against your cheek, making your heart flutter. "You're too sweet." You said, placing your hand over his that was sitting against your middle. Jeff peppered kisses against your shoulders and you felt your entire body beginning to relax. "Don't mind me, love. You go ahead and keep reading your book, i just wanna cuddle you." He said, his lips ghosting over your shoulder, he let out a sweet little hum as you picked your book back up and settled back into Jeff's embrace.

After a few moments, Jeff spoke again. "So what are you reading?" He asked curiously. You turned the cover over, studying it, "It's called Milkman." You said. "What's it about?" He asked, "The Troubles, you know, in Northern Ireland." You said. "That's interesting.Is it good?" He asked, you chuckled, "I guess! I just started it." You replied, so much for letting you focus on your book. "Want to, um, read it to me?" He asked sheepishly. "You want me to read you my book? Like a read-aloud?" You laughed a bit out of surprise. "If you want, I like hearin' your voice." He mumbled, you turned your head over your shoulder to look at Jeff to see if he was really being serious. "It's like, part love story, Jeff. And I'm already a quarter of the way through, the won't you feel lost?" He looked at you inquisitively and shrugged, "If you want, I don't much care what the story's about or if I've missed anything, I'd just - I dunno - I just want to hear your voice." He said with a cute little shrug. "Alright you said with a little confused huff.

Jeff held you against him and you began to read aloud, periodically looking up at him to see how engaged he was to what you were saying. His eyes followed the lines of text occasionally, and when a romantic scene between Middle Sister and Maybe-Boyfriend would pop up, you'd feel him start to squirm a bit, squeezing his arms tighter around you or kissing your neck. "Why don't the characters have names?" He asked right off the bat - you knew that question was coming. "I think it's so you can focus on the events rather than the people. But I really don't know." You answered. "May I continue?" You asked, "Yeah, of course." He said, kissing your cheek softly and nestling his chin on your shoulder.

Next thing you knew, the two of you had been in the bath for over an hour together, and finished more than half of your book. The water was cold, and you both felt sleepy, but you had never felt more close, more intimate, and you didn't want that moment to end. Jeff heard your voice start to fall, "Y/n, is something wrong?" He asked, reaching around and holding your chin to turn your face to his. "No, nothing's wrong, i was just thinking." You said quietly, he gave you a soft, timid smile, brushing his nose against yours before giving you a light peck on the lips. "What were you thinking about? Tell me." He murmured. You leaned your forehead against his, nuzzling your noses together playfully before answering, "This has been, this has been so perfect, Jeff. Being here - doing this - with you." You said raising the book slightly, the two of you chuckling. "I was just thinking the same thing." He sighed, "Living with you has been so great, it feels almost too perfect at times, but" Jeff pausend, thinking of the right way to word what he wanted to say, "I feel like sometimes we've just been going through the motions. That maybe we needed to do something new, something fresh. Spice things up, you know?" He asked, "I was just thinking the same today! The same way you said it. Not that it hasn't been good - it's always good - but we thrive when we break out of our laziness." You laughed gently and Jeff's lips formed into a cheeky smirk. "That we do - specially when we can capitalize on our laziness. This is probably one of the laziest things we've ever done but, Christ, I've never felt closer to you." He admitted. You reached up your hand to run through his damp hair - you did take a break from reading to wash one another, something that was quite intimate in and of itself - and God, you loved to wash Jeff's hair.

"What gave you the thought of reading aloud to you?" You asked, he shrugged, "Well, I am not going to lie, I was thinkin' that I'd draw a bath for you when you got home from your run - turns out you beat me to it." He laughed, "And I scared you nearly shitless while simultaneously scarin' myself - wasn't expecting to see a green-faced monster in my tub!" He joked, you watched his eyes sparkle with that glint of mischief. You jokingly smacked his cheek and he let out a little "Hey!" "But then I saw you readin' your book, you looked like you were enjoying it, you were happy. I didn't want to disturb you because I know you're stressed and you like to read. I was readin' over your shoulder a bit and it popped in my mind." He shrugged. "I loved it, Jeff. It was genius. "You know, that's me, I'm a genius!" Jeff said confidently, you rolled your eyes. "I wasn't expecting to get as into the story as I did - i mostly asked Just so I could hear you talk a bit." He said, but shook his head, "Specially 'cause the characters don't have names!" He laughed in spite of himself. You held the book up and examined it, "It is a pretty good book, isn't it?" You asked, he sighed, "Yeah, it is pretty good." He replied.

Jeff raised his hand, and pried the book gently from your hand, setting it down on the floor. "Hey, you probably just lost our page!" You protested, "Then i guess you'll just have to start over next week!" He said slyly, you gave him a wide-eyed look, "You want to do this again?" You asked. "Definitely. Every week until I die." You had to admit this was a whole new side of jeff and you absolutely loved it!

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