Cave of Wonder/Jeff Blim/Part 2

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A/n: I listened to Dance again on repeat because why not! Is it just me or does that just want to make you just jump up and join in with there dancing?! xx 

Once the show was over me and Joey decided to go backstage and see everyone and tell them how amazing they did. We walked into the changing room and the only people that were in it were Lauren, Nick and Jaime."Why would someone put a light switch there?!"Lauren laughed."It made the ending funnier," Joey laughed."Joey!"Lauren yelled running up to hug Joey. I laughed when I saw Laurens face light up."Y/N!!"Lauren turned and hugged me so hard I thought my soul left my body.

As soon as Lauren shouted our names we could hear so many footsteps it was unbelievable!"Y/n!"I think Dylan said."Hey Y/N," Joe came up to me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. This was very normal for me and Joe because we had been friends for many years."You guys were amazing by the way your vocals were amazing!".There was a collection of thank you's and other things, but I was trying to find Jeff but I couldn't see him anywhere. We all sat down and began to chat about the show and ate a little bit.

I didn't want to ask anyone where Jeff is because I thought they would think I did not want to talk to them which was completely wrong, I love talking to my best friends. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard loud footsteps coming my way. I turned my head around to see a shirtless Jeff running my way. I jumped up from my seat and ran up to meet him. I fell into his arm and I felt his arms slithers around my waist. I have to be honest when I'm in his arms I feel so safe, but he smelt so bad!"Jeff, you're so sweaty and smell terrible!"I said. Jeff replied with a laugh and said"Well it's so good to see you too love, "I just looked up at him and smiled.

I said my last goodbye to nick and went back to the changing room was jeff was putting the clothes on the hangers. We were the only ones in the whole building."So how did I do?"Jeff said breaking the silence?"I didn't hesitate by saying"You did amazing by the way loved the costume, "I winked. Jeff chuckled to himself. We sat there for a couple minutes in silence which I thought was a little weird and not like Jeff."You know I meant that line I said!"Jeff said smirking. What does he mean "I meant that line?".I had to take a second to think about what he meant but then I got it.

"I'll be the one who plunders, her cave of wonders"

Jeff smirked and took a step closer to me and caressed my cheek. He never really acted like this but I have to say I could get used to it. He leaned in a kissed my lips ever so softly. It took me a minute to kiss back because I was so taken back. His hand travelled down my waist and were placed right above my ass. His kisses started to become more rough and desperate. We were rudely interrupted by the sound of a door opening. Jeff quickly jumped back and sat on a chair.

"We will continue this later, "He winked.

Question: Do you want this to be a smut IDM it's your guys choice or should I end it here x

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