Lauren Lopez x Reader

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So a lot of people have been requesting Lauren so one of my good friends  wrote this please go check her out she is such an amazing writer way better than me lmao sorry I haven't been posting a lot I've been really busy x 

We'd been stuck in quarantine for nearly two months now and I honestly think we're both losing it, my roommate Lauren has seemed more distant lately and just stays in her room all day. To be honest, I've been doing the same since at a time like this I just want to scroll endlessly through social media all day. However, I did begin to worry about her, she left her room less and less and it got to a point where sometimes she wouldn't even come out to get food. That night, I couldn't sleep, I hadn't seen her all day and was getting so worried about her but I didn't want to go into her room in case she didn't want me there. Although it was around midnight at the time, I got out of bed and made my way to her room. I knocked politely on her door, since I didn't want to barge in uninvited.

"Lauren? You okay?" I asked

"Come in..." I heard her say quietly

I pushed open the door and saw her sitting on her bed, in darkness except from the light shining onto her face from her phone screen. She looked up at me and turned off her phone, putting it on charge on the small shelf next to her bed. We were in complete darkness then, until she turned on the fairy lights that hung around her bed, the lights were really cute and I was kinda jealous since I had nothing like that in my room. I awkwardly sat down next to her on her bed, looking at her to make sure it was okay that I sit there, she seemed like she was fine with it. "Are you alright?" I asked "Yeah I'm good." she said monotonously.

"Are you though?'ve been staying in your room like all day and haven't even come out to eat and I...I've been worried about you" "You're right...I'm not" I put an arm around her and the put her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. "What's wrong, Lo?" "I don't know...everything" she laughed slightly. "I get you" "Just...I guess being trapped inside all day is taking its toll on me...but it's affecting everyone so-" "Just coz everyone's stuck inside doesn't make your feelings any less important" "I guess" She buried her face in my neck and hugged me, we stayed like that for a while. In silence. Just us two. Until I heard her start to cry. "Lo, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"It's just these last few days...I-I really missed you, but I just really didn't want to come out of my room because...because...I don't even know" a tear rolled down her cheek, I wiped it away with my thumb. "It's okay be honest I've felt really shitty the past few days as well, tonight I couldn't sleep because I was so worried about you but don't worry it's not your fault" Lauren just pulled me closer and nuzzled her face into my neck. It was such a perfect moment and I wished it would last forever but all good things must come to an end. "y/n can we go on a walk? We're allowed one walk a day for exercise and no one said that that walk can't be in the middle of the night" she laughed slightly "Sure, let me just get dressed quickly" You both got dressed into casual, comfortable outfits (obviously with a jacket since it would be cold at nearly 1 o clock at night). We exited our apartment and stepped into the crisp, cold air.

As we walked, a Lauren took my hand and intertwined our fingers. Our walk was peaceful and quiet, there's something beautiful about the night. We would see the stars above us clearly in the dark night sky. "y/n..." Lauren said "Yeah?" "Do you promise we'll always be friends no matter what?" "Yeah of course, Lo! Well, I'll have to put up with you till the end of quarantine- I'm joking, of course, we'll always be friends" "What about more than friends?" she said quietly, I barely heard her. I stopped walking, I felt a blush rise to my cheeks, I was shocked. "Really?" I smiled at her, genuinely. "Well...if you want to" she smiled back "Yeah" She kissed my cheek and we continued walking.

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