That note-Joey Richter

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You were going to go watch Joey at his new show called the trail to Oregon. He played the bandit king and many different characters he was really worried about one song called Wagon on fire and another called When my world's at stake because the main lyric was a really shouty line.

You took your seat at the front with many other fans. Some fans even noticed who you were and asked for photos and autographs. You were a starkid but you decided to take a break and skip out this musical number but of course you would support them. You didn't know what was going to happen in the musical because you hadn't been to any of the rehearsals. You saw the lights dim so you started to focus on the stage.

You noticed when all the other Starkids came on the stage they would look at you and smile, Jeff accidentally messed up his line when he saw you because he was so excited. Jeff Blim was one of your best friends. Every time one of the cast members performed a song you would always put your thumb up to them. It always put their spirits up.

When Joey came on the stage it would always make you smile. They were singing this song called When the world's at stake and there was a really high note." and I-ioiIoi-nope, "He sang well he was trying to. He messed up on the note but he improvised really well. He carried on with the show and made me laugh when he said "Jingle-Jangle."Of course, I was the only one who thought it was funny so he looked at me and smiled.

A while later he turned back to the bandit king and was about to sing a song called wagon on fire. I thought he fit the role really well. His voice had to be really raspy for it so he liked it. He was really scared to hit the note wagon is on fire. He was getting ready to sing it and saw him wince but he hit the note!! He looked at me with shock and I could see he was getting cocky so he put in an extra woooah!

After the show was finished I decided to go backstage and see the whole cast and tell them how good they were. I ran up to Joey and jumped up in his arms. I felt so safe in his arms."Hey n/n, how did I do?"He asked me."You did great Joey!"I felt someone take me away from Joey and I turned my head around to see Jeff hugging me."Hey n/n how did I do?"He teased Joey. Before I could reply Joey butted in."Oi! I only call y/n that!"I laughed and told Jeff he did great!

A/n please feel free to request and tell me how I did because this was my first one. xx

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