Forever is a long time -Joey Richter

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Summary: It's closing night and everybody's about to go their seperate ways. You ended up breaking down during intermission and Joey happens to find you.


It was the closing night of Team Starkid's latest show. Everyone was a tad on the emotional side as everybody was going their separate ways and working on personal projects. You were super proud of everybody- Joey was working on a new show with the other Tin Can Bros, Jaime and Dylan were joining the cast of a musical, Robert was asked to be part of a short film, Joe was going to business school and Lauren had been offered a job as choreographer. However, you couldn't help feeling sad as you sang through the numbers for the final time.

You had literally nothing planned for after you wrapped. You had your day job, sure, but it didn't compare to the thrill of performance. Everybody was going to meet up in a couple months for the AVPM 10 Year reunion but you weren't going to see each other until then.

Thank god intermission came a little quicker than normal. you couldn't hold yourself together and hid in one of the dark corners of backstage sobbing silently. Well, it can't have been that silent as Joey came over and pulled you into a massive bear hug. You'd grown really close over the duration of the few short weeks of the musical and you definitely felt like he was one of your best friends. It particularly stung that you weren't going see him everyday anymore. You were going to miss his big goofy grin and wicked sense of humor.

"I'm sorry, Joey," you sniffled. "Sorry that I'm an absolute wreck."

"Nothing to be sorry for. We're all upset about the show ending and you're not the first who's broken down," he assured you, rubbing your back comfortingly. "And it's not like you'll never see us again."

"A couple months feels like an eternity."

He sighed sadly, breaking the hug to look you in the eyes. "True, but it'll make it so much better when it does happen! Remember the cliche thing? Distance makes the heart grow fonder?"

You chuckled, wiping away a few stray tears. "Thanks but I'd rather put up with you forever than only see you a couple times a year."

"I mean, are you sure?" he joked. "Forever is a long time."

"Yeah. Otherwise, I'd miss you too much, Jo."

A faint blush spread across his cheeks. "I'd miss you too."

"But what if you all forget I exist? I'm not exactly a very social person," you pointed out. "I'm pretty much a hermit."

"How could I ever forget you?"

Time seemed to slow down and speed up simultaneously. You could see his big brown eyes dart towards your lips and back, silently asking permission. You didn't even think about it before leaning in and connecting his with yours. It was soft, short and sweet. He rested his forehead against yours and gave you a shy grin.

"Wow," you said breathlessly.

"Yeah, wow," he replied tucking a loose curl behind your ear.


"I'll see you later, right?" you asked, standing up to get into your position on stage.

Joey laughed. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, y/n."

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