Jackets- Lauren Lopez

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Summary: You've been working non stop to make finish the costumes for Starkid's latest production so you've barely been getting any sleep. Lauren has to be the one to convince you to actually go the fuck to sleep

This fucking jacket. You have never hated a jacket more than anything else ever in your life. You'd been slaving away sewing the fucking sleeves onto it for thirty minutes only to realise you had done them inside out!

You actually love working on Starkid productions as they're so fun to design for- and you get to spend more time with Lauren- but this one has a record number of costume changes. So, for the past couple days, you've been finishing all the final details and everything was fine and breezy. My how the tables had turned. Turns out, you had been missing a couple pages in the script and therefore hadn't made four costumes that were crucial to the musical! To say you was stressed was an understatement since opening night was only two days away.

That's how you ended up here. In your and Lauren's apartment, on the floor of the living room, in a dinosaur onesie, crying hysterically over a jacket at 4AM.

You heard the soft padding of Lauren's footsteps- followed quickly by a familiar thump of her banging her hip on the table and a string of curses- felt her collapse next to you, rubbing your back comfortingly as salty tears rolled down your cheek onto the cursed object and pressed a soft kiss to your temple.

"Why are you still up?" she asked croakily. "The only people awake now are creeps and weirdos."

"I told you, I'll sleep after I finish the jacket," you reassured her, wiping tears away with your fuzzy sleeve.

She sighed. "You said that three days ago, y/n. And that was an entirely different jacket."

"I know but-"

"You need sleep to function. And there's no reason why you can't do this when you're well rested and it isn't stupid o'clock!"


Lauren took the unpick tool from you and held your uncontrollably shaky hands. "Look what this is doing to you, y/n. I'm seriously worried about you!"

You instantly felt guilty. You didn't mean to make her worry, you just wanted to finish the costumes so Lauren -and the rest of Starkid- could look and be amazing on stage. However, your nights of labour had paid off, the jacket was the final piece you needed to do and even after the sleeves were done, you only had to add small details.

"I suppose I could take a break," you murmured, your eyelids already fluttering shut as you leant on Lauren. "But only a small one, I still need to finish... needs to be good..."

"Uh huh," she mumbled, slinging your practically dead arm around her, heaving you to your feet and slowly dragging you to your bedroom. "You're doing amazing, sweetie."

You stumbled into bed, Diane curled up between you and drifted off into a heavy sleep, Lauren's lazy arm hung loosely on your hip, with dreams of evil jackets and your super soldier girlfriend fighting the revolution dancing around in your head.

Thank god she looked out for you, you have no idea what state you'd be in if it was for Lauren Lopez. Even if it was her fucking jacket.

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