Cave of Wonders/Jeff Blim

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A/n So yes you can see I like Jeff Blim but who doesn't like Jeff Blim cause he's just perfect. Please can some people request stuff because I am running out of ideas. Btw thank you so much for all the love its much-appreciated xx 

Today was the day of the opening night of your boyfriend, Jeff Blim new play Twisted. You were also a starkid but you felt like you wanted to take a break from acting because you had been in nearly every show. Jeff had been your boyfriend for about 2 years and you were as happy as you could be. You took your seat next to Joey Richter one of your best friends, he wasn't in the play because he got cast in a tv show so he had to go to L.A but he decided to fly in and see the show. You were really happy for Jeff because he had got to play one of the main characters. He was playing Aladdin!

Y/n P.o.v

I was talking to Joey about mine and Jeff's relationship because he was asking how it was going. I told him it was going amazing it felt like a dream. I was about to ask him how his and Laurens was going(Yass richpez)but the lights dimmed and the music began to play. I was really excited but also very sad because I missed a really musical to be in. Dylan came on with a book and when he began to sing he removed it from his face he had this weird beard and it made me laugh and his face went to mine and smiled. Me and Dylan had been best friends since we were like 6 years old. We met at a drama club we both went to.

The first song came on and I noticed quite a lot of stuff. There was quite a lot of new people but that's always good because you can make new friends and get to know people. I also noticed that there was this boy with short brown hair who was new was a really good dancer. I think I have seen him before on youtube but I'm not that sure. I was too involved in thinking that I didn't know that Jeff had gone on stage and was looking at me. Joey had to tap my shoulder to look at Jeff. I quickly looked up and saw Jeff dancing staring at me. I couldn't help but laugh. I just couldn't help it.

The play went on and I could tell act 1 was coming to an end because there was not a lot of people coming on the stage because there were getting changed for act 2 or just having a break. I knew this because I was in most of the shows and this is what they told us to do. Dylan came on singing this really beautiful song I was really enjoying and next thing I know the guitars start playing loudly and Jeff runs on. He looks a little sweaty but I also would say tired but Jeff could never be tired, he so much energy it's unbelievable. I wish I had that much energy, to be honest. Overall he looked pretty hot. He began to sing.

"I can't wait to be a rich dude"

"Cause I've heard it told"

"Stealing is so much easier, When you've already got tons of gold"

His eyes were searching for mine.

"But I got my eye, On what money can't buy"

"Cause that princess is, ooh, hella tight"

His shiny eyes finally found mine and he was singing the next lyric and his eyes never left mine."I'll be the one who plunders, Her cave of wonders"Once he sang that line he pointed to his dick and winked in my direction. I can't believe he just did that! I looked down and blushed. When I looked he sang his last line and I could see the little smirk he was hiding.

"Get a happy ending tonight"

A/n 2: Do you want a part 2 x

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