Late- Jeff Blim

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Summary: Jeff literally cannot keep his hands off you, which you typically don't mind, but when you're working backstage, it gets you both into a bit of trouble.

"Lights down in 3, 2, 1," you directed into the headset. "Okay, everybody back in position in 10 minutes for the start of Act 2."

You slumped back in my seat, sighing loudly and taking off the slightly painful headset, as you watched actors head to their changing rooms to change into their guard costumes. Stage managing is way harder than you thought it'd be. Keeping track of props, actors, pieces of set, being the emergency costume fixer and making sure everybody was coordinated. It was sort of like trying to perfect needlework in a car that was rolling off a cliff during a tornado.

You felt someone's warm hands start to rub your shoulders and rest their head on yours as you flipped through the script. "Hey, Jeff," you said, without looking up. "You're doing great, as usual."

"Thanks, babe," he replied as he sat down next to you, pressed a quick kiss to your temple and slung his arm around your shoulders. "How've you been? I heard Mark's sick so it must be tough trying to keep the tech team in line."

"Ugh," you groaned leaning into his chest. "You have no idea."

"I brought you skittles," he offered shyly, pulling the packet from his pocket. "Thought they'd be a good distraction for you."

"What would I do without you?"

Popping a few in my mouth, you nestled into his jumper and took a few moments to relish in the few moments that weren't hectic. At least until the alarm on your phone went off signalling the near end of intermission.

"Jeff, you have to let go of me now. Act 2 starts in a couple minutes," you mumbled.

"Do you really have to go?" he whined, holding you tighter.

"Yes, really. And so do you," you laughed, pushing his arms off you and putting your headset back on. "You have to get changed into your guard outfit."

He pouted, gave you a quick kiss and bounded off to the dressing rooms.

"Everybody, positions! Lights up in 3, 2, 1! Joe, go now."

Joe stomped onto stage and the rest of the guard chorus lined up, prepared for No one Remembers Achmed.

"y/n? Have you seen Jeff?" Meredith asked worriedly.

You shrugged. "I think he's still changing. Don't worry, he'll be here on time."

As time went on and their cue drew closer, you got increasingly more paranoid. Jeff can't miss his cue, he's in the front line! You sent Nick, who was helping you backstage, to run into the dressing rooms to find him to no avail.

"Oh my god, where the fuck is he?"

It was as if the universe had heard you, Jeff came running up to you and started peppering your face with kisses. "Sorry, I'm late babe."

"It's okay, you're here now," you sighed in relief. "You have to line up now. You're literally about to go on."

"Nah, it's fine," he told you, wrapping his arms around you in a hug and resting his chin on the top of your head. "I've got ages."

"Jeff, you really don't."

"It's fine. Besides, I'd much rather be hanging out with you," he replied.

"Not the point. Look that's your cue," you said, breaking apart the hug.

"Pfft, no. I've got like a couple lines to go."

"Seriously, now," you hissed, pointing at the guard chorus marching onto stage. "I love you but you need to get your ass on stage!"

"Oh shit, sorry," he quickly kissed your cheek and ran onto stage.

He was late enough for it to be noticeable to those who knew the show well but You were pretty sure nobody in the audience noticed.

The rest of the show ran smoothly and Jeff brought you more skittles after as an apology for being distracted. That man was going to be the death of you.

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