Quarantine surprises!//Curt Mega

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A/n: This was requested by @FandomTrash0328 this has to be one of the most favourite imagine i have ever written!So i hope you guys really enjoy it! Xx

You watched Curt intently while he was on a Zoom meeting with the other cast of Spies are forever. You smiled to yourself, feeling lucky to be quarantined with your boyfriend. He catches you from the side of his eye staring and looks at you. He temporarily mutes his microphone before speaking to you."What?" Curt said, a smile creeping on her face. You shrugged, sitting up from the chair you were lounged in."Just admiring my handsome boyfriend" You replied. Curt blushed and rolled his eyes playfully."Go away. You're distracting me" he said, laughing heartily. You faked offence and put a hand on your heart.

"Ouch," You said, the smile on your face betraying the faux hurt in your voice."Shut up. I'll be finished in a while" Curt said, giggling at your antics. You blow him a kiss before dramatically exiting the room. His laugh gives you a warm feeling inside as you stroll to your shared living room.It wasn't that the both of you were ashamed of your relationship,It was just that you two like to keep your relationship quiet.No the fans do not know that you were dating.You guys were just private people in nature. It's not like you were actively hiding it.

The both of you had dropped subtle hints on your Instagram story that you were quarantined in the same house.It was fun and entertaining to see your shippers go wild with their theories.Your keyboard perched in the corner of the room caught your eye. It had been a while since you played and it couldn't hurt recording something.You sat down and traced the keys with your hands before turning it on. An idea popped into your head as you whipped out your phone and set up an Instagram live.

"Hey guys. Hope everybody's staying at home during this extraordinary time. I was becoming bored and wanted to sing so yea!" You said, grinning at the screen.The number of viewers tuning in to your live was increasing by the second."Let's see... any requests?" You ask the viewers, playing a few riffs on the keyboard while you stare at the comments."Play something by Adele" You read the suggestion out loud and tried to wrack your brain for an Adele song you knew how to play."Ah, right. I know one" You said as you started playing the intro to Make You Feel My Love.You quickly got into the rhythm and found yourself getting lost in the song as you started to belt out the lyrics.

When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love.You sing along. The comments are flooding about how incredible your voice was.You were terrible at taking complements.You are just so awkward! When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears Oh, I hold you for a million years To make you feel my love.You're completely enamored by the song as the notes come naturally to you, not even thinking about which keys to press as you continued on.

I know you haven't made your mind up yet But I will never do you wrong I've known it from the moment that we met No doubt in my mind where you belong.Just when you finish the chorus, you're brought back to reality when you feel arms wrap around your neck.You look up at Curt and smiled at him, still playing the piece. You both share a loving stare you both were in a different world when you were looking at each other."Shit, I'm on live!" You said hastily pushing down the phone away from your faces and quickly exiting the stream.You're flushed but Curt is doubling over in your seat in laughter."Well, I guess we're out then" Curt said, tears in his eyes as he struggled to hold in his giggles.

"I guess we are" You said, sighing and pouncing on the man for a hug."Let's consider it a cute quarantine surprise for our fans" Curt said, grinning at you and pecking your cheek."Whatever you say babe" You said, going in for a proper kiss.It didn't take long before your phone was blowing up with notifications. The fans were going crazy with your accidental reveal."To be fair, they were this close to figuring it out" Curt said, looking over your shoulder at the flurry of Instagram tags and comments you were getting.People had been posting screenshots of the exact moment Curt had his arms around your neck.

"True. Come on, we might as well create a proper coming out post" You said, beckoning Curt to cuddle into you.You snapped a selfie of the both of you, Curt pecking your cheek."Whoops. Guess we're caught" You wrote on the caption.Curt giggles after you post it and kisses you on the lips for good measure.

"I love you, (Y/N)" He said.

"I love you too. I'm glad I'm quarantined with you" you replied, grinning.

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