Quarantine Sorry's//Robert Manion

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This was requested by @Lillynerdgirl I love writing these sorry I haven't been writing that much in the couple days! I have been really busy and I have been drawing again! I have a question I don't know if I have asked it already I'm forgetful sorry lmao.

Should I write a Robert Manion x reader book or just another Starkid x reader? Please comment I would love your opinions! xx

I woke up quite late actually, I looked over at the clock and it read 8:56. You might not think that's not that late but to me, it's fucking late! I looked over to my right to see my boyfriend Robert laying next to ever so peacefully. His arms were wrapped around the waist and his head was laying on my stomach. I giggled to myself because he looks so comfortable but on the other hand, he looks so uncomfortable. I must have giggled quite loud cause he started moving."Sorry baby did I wake you up?"I said running my hand through his hair.

His hair is just amazing I love it. He sometimes says that I love his hair more than him but that is not true. I really want to make like little plaits in it but he won't let me. Sad times. My thoughts were interrupted by Robert talking."No, it's fine don't worry I think we need to wake up anyway!"He laughed. He rolled off my stomach and onto his own pillow. All of sudden he looked really worried and scared. "Y/n my arms gone it's dead! I cant feel it!"He panicked. I didn't want to laugh because he would probably be mad with me but it was funny. I'm sorry.

"Don't worry Rob it's fine its because I've been laying on your arm, "I replied getting up."Will it go back to normal soon?"He asked picking up his arm. (That sound so weird lmao)."Yes, don't worry!"I said finally laughing. I didn't hear any answer so I turned around to see Robert just staring at me with his mouth open."THiS nOt a LauGhiNg mAtTer!"He said yelling. I saw he looked really scared so I went to give him a hug. He hid under the covers before I could give him a hug. I over-dramatically gasped."Fine, I won't give you a hug I will just go then!"I said trying to sound serious.

He didn't really do anything so I went out of the bedroom. I walked into the living room to see Jon sitting on the couch watching tv."Morning!"He said."Morning, "I laughed."Dont worry you don't even need to explain it I heard everything," He laughed. I can understand that Robert just woke up and his arm was dead but like someone overreacted."Im going to go out soon to get some coke because I'm dying without it!"Jon added. I nodded and went into the kitchen to start cooking breakfast.

Halfway through cooking some pancakes, I heard Jon shout."Y/n!I going to out now be back in a bit!"I turned the heat down on the hob and replied, "Okay!"These pancakes were taking so long and Robert was still in bloody bed! Ive kinda gave up on him, I'm gonna make him breakfast but he is gonna have to come into here to eat it. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a head rested upon my shoulder."I'm sorry I was just scared," Robert mumbled into my shoulder. I turned around to face him and just gave him a hug.

"It okay I understand but why did you take an hour to come out of the room?"I giggled. He pulled away from the hug which I was really sad about because I was really enjoying it! He took this piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to. I opened it up and it read.

Dear Y/n,

Hey bubs!I'm really sorry I acted like a big dick! I was just really tired and you know when I'm tired I'm grumpy. I just wanted to write you this because I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you and also you look really pretty today! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥

From the love of your life,

Robert (─‿‿─)

I closed the letter and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He responded by kissing back. It felt like heaven, I am really the luckiest person in the world! He pulled away and looked into my eyes. He looked like he was lost in them, to be honest, but I just hugged him so long like there was no tomorrow! We heard the front door open."Hey, can I join the hug?"Jon exclaimed running towards us.

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