What the hell?Jeff Blim

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Soulmate Concept: Until you meet, you and your soulmate can hear each other's thoughts. 

**Anything in italics is a thought**

"I'm tired of this shit," I yelled as the song played in my head again.

"Is it still the same song," my friend asked.

"Yes," I shouted. "I've googled the lyrics multiple times! This guy must be a great writer because this is some put together crap!"

"Sing it," I popped my head up at my friend's request. "Maybe I know it. Sing it."

"No," I shook my head. "It sounds like he's repeating the same part over and over again."

"Have fun with that," my friend giggles. "Oh! I bought a ticket for a show in the area, by the way. The people are supposed to be hilarious but my mom wants me to come to visit so I can meet my sister's new boyfriend. Do you want it?"

"Why the hell not," I shrugged. "I need something else to think about."

**Time Skip**

I walked into the theatre and tried to quickly find my seat. I hadn't really thought about how weird it was for me to go to a musical completely alone. I tried to make myself look busy by looking at my phone or "admiring the scenery" that was sitting on stage. It was truly just three walls with some fancy lights. I finally tucked my phone away when the lights in the house went down.

Everything was going fine. Scratch that, it was perfect. I was giggling and not really thinking about anything that could bug me. It was the first time that I hadn't been reminded of the lyrics to that stupid song that my soulmate kept singing.

"What do you want Paul," no. No. Not now.

I was going to roll my eyes before I noticed that it wasn't just in my head this time around. It was both in my head and on stage.

Holy shit, I thought. The long-haired actor on stage took a subtle glance around the audience. It was him. How the hell?

I watched the following scene, thoughts shooting through my head. I didn't know what the right reaction was.

I know you're as shocked as me but I can still technically hear your thoughts and I have to get through the rest of the show so... would you mind buttoning it just a little bit, I heard. What a productive way to use this bullshit system.

I mean... sure, I thought, trying to concentrate on the show again.

**Time Skip**

I got home and flopped onto my couch. I could still hear his thoughts. We hadn't officially met yet so I was still listening to everything he was thinking. I grabbed my phone and opened Google and Instagram. It took a while but I managed to match a name with a face and found his Instagram. I had my smart moments... they just weren't very common.

"Hey, this is going to sound insane but I was the one with the annoying thoughts at your show tonight. I don't know how to prove that to you but I can try," I let out a deep breath before sending the message out. Now I would either sound like a complete lunatic or he would believe me.

"I don't know who else would know about those thoughts so I hope it's actually you," I chuckled as I read the message. You've got a point there.

"I know I do," the next message read. Yeah, I think it was safe to say that this was the right person. I jumped when my video chat went off. I scrambled to sit up and look mildly presentable before pressing the accept button.

"Hi," I smiled, sighing a little bit. "I'm (Y/N)."

"I'm Jeff," he replied. Suddenly, it felt like half of the weight was taken from my head. I could only hear my own thoughts. My own stupid and ridiculous thoughts. Jeff smiled a little more as his thoughts cleared up. "So, what did you think of the show?"

"I don't know," I pretended to be lost in thought. "I felt like I had heard a couple of the songs before."

"I wonder how," Jeff sassed back. I laughed at him and leaned back in my seat slightly. We ended up spending far too long on the phone together... not that I was complaining. For once in a long time, my thoughts felt clearer and I felt like I had some control.

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