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anonymous asked: Could you do an imagine of a girl named Lucie who is interrupted during a snogging session with Darren by Joey who's always loved Lucie?

A/n Source:Tumblr

Darren's tongue prodded my lips as his hands traveled down to my hips. I smiled against his and opened my mouth, letting his tongue travel around mine. I shivered slightly as his hand touched my bare stomach, and I felt him pull back to smile and look at me, "You alright, Luce?"

"I'm fine." I laugh quietly, looking around carefully to make sure none of his friends walk in. We were on the couch of StarKid manor, and it seemed like no one was home for a while. I bit my lip and leaned down over Darren again, kissing his neck and sucking on it briefly.

He lets out a small moan of anticipation, and that's when I hear the door open and close. I fall to the floor, startled, and I hear Darren's nervous laugh.

When I look up, I see Joey. I went to college with him along with Darren, and he was always hilarious. But now his face looked...sad.

"Sorry," he said, and I could see how forced his smile was. "I'll be upstairs." He starts walking up the staircase, and I stare after him.

I stand up, and I feel Darren's hand on my jeans, pulling me back to him. I shake my head, pulling away, "Hold on."

I run up the stairs after Joey, leaving Darren hanging.

Joey turns in surprise at the top of the staircase. I ask, "What's up? You look sad!"

He shakes his head, "I'm fine, I'm fine." He looks like he wants to say more, though. I raise my eyebrows, "What's up?"

He sighs and looks at me seriously, as if contemplating how to tell me. "Okay, this will sound cheesy." He drops the bags he was holding and holds my shoulders, "Lucie, I've loved you since college, okay? I always have. And it just sucks to see you with my best friend. I want you to be happy, but I want you to let me make you happy instead of Darren. I know that'll never happen, though."

I freeze, having not expected something like that to come out of his mouth. And suddenly, I feel myself smiling. Because he'd just told me what I'd been feeling for him, all this time. 

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