No it's your turn//Robert Manion

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A/N: Yes I am alive I have just been kinda busy but I am back! This idea popped in my head while writing a different fanfic but feel free to request tuff and check out my other books! If you have any suggestion for other books as well please let me know :)) xx

You and your husband Robert were laying in bed. The two of you had been happily married for 3 years now and had just recently had a baby. Her name is Isla and is about 2 months old. Robert loved the idea of a little one running around and just to see grown-up, So that was how you decided you wanted a child. You turned over to look at the clock it read 5:17. Ever since Isla was born you had been waking up so early for no reason. You sighed turning over to see Robert's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful but even when he was asleep he looked so tired. Both of you knew what you were signing up for but you didn't think it would be this hard!

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Isla's cry. Robert groaned next to you, slowly waking up."Well, morning!"You giggled."It's your turn," Robert bluntly said. You were quite shocked, he didn't even say morning or anything."Actually it's not my turn it's yours!"You retorted. Robert groaned even more a slowly slid off the bed not wanting to get up. You laid but down and heard a thud on the floor. You could help but just laugh seeing Robert on the floor but that sure woke him up. He stood up grabbing his shirt and walking over to the nursery. You saw the light was switch on and you turned over trying to go back to sleep.

About 20 minutes had passed and Robert had still not come back. You decided to see what had happened, so you grabbed your robe and walked out towards the nursery. You pushed the door open to reveal Robert fast asleep in the chair with Isla laying on top of his chest. This moment just lit up your heart. You ran back to your shared room to grabbed your phone to take a picture of the two. You snapped 5 pictures just to be safe. You picked up Isla and put her in the crib, putting a little blanket on her lower half just to keep her a little warm. You were debating whether or not to wake up Robert but he kinda just woke up by himself.

"Where is she?"He shot up fear in his eyes. You had never seen him so scared and nervous before."Dont worry she is in her crib!"You calmed him down hugging him. He kissed your forehead, looking at Isla peacefully sleeping."I'm so grateful for the both of you! I love you so much Y/n words can't begin to explain!"He hugged you from behind. You were safe to say you had one happy family and could wait to make it a bigger one :) 

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