Do I look pretty?//Joe Walker

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This was requested by @FandomTrash0328 Sorry this took so long to make and if you did also make a request I'm sorry it's taking so long I'm a terrible writer lmao! I tried to improve my writing here, I don't if it's good :))

We were getting our costumes ready for our new play called A very potter sequel! You weren't playing a big role in the show you were just playing a student but mainly helping backstage. This is what you enjoyed the most. You hated being the centre of attention so in the back was your place. That's the opposite of your boyfriend Mr Joe Walker. He has the confidence you wished you have, like he has so much energy its unbelievable! In the first musical A very potter musical Joe played Voldemort and he was so good. Your favourite song he sung would hands down have to be dance again because it's such a bop. In this show, Voldemort is not in it so Joe had to audition again.

He was a little sad at the time because he really wanted to play Voldemort again but once he knew who he was playing he was so excited. He is going to play Umbridge who is the mean teacher. You were the one who made Joe his dress for the show. It was quite hard to make but you got there in the end. Today was the first time Joe would try his outfit on."Here you go, Joe, try it on!"You said handing him the dress, you were really excited to see what he would look like in a dress. It took him a couple of minutes to put it on but when he came out he added a little twirl to it. You couldn't help but laugh, he surprisingly looks pretty good!

"Do I look pretty y/n?"Joe said pouting."You look stunning babe! I would mistake you for a beautiful lady!"You giggled."Well, you are even more beautiful even though I am a really sexy lady!"He said hugging you."Thank you for making this you are so talented!"He kissed my head."Your very welcome and thank you!"You looked up at him. He leaned in and kissed your lips you kissed back you could kiss his lips all day they are so soft. You heard the door open and also heard some footsteps walk in."You know you're not kissing Joe there Y/n" Joey laughed."Of course, you're kissing Mama Umbridge here dur dur dur!"Joe replied putting his voice on. You could help, Joe voices were just the best things ever.

"I need to go practise my Stutter dance routine wanna come?"Joe asked me."Of course!"You said getting up. You loved going to Joe dance rehearsals because his dancing was amazing but he always made you laugh. Stutter would have to be hands down one of the best songs in the whole soundtrack, It is just so catchy and makes you want to jump up and start dancing. You were given the opportunity but you tried the dance and it was so fast and hard you just couldn't keep up with everyone else. When you reached the rehearsal room Lauren and Dylan and Brian were the only people there. They started to go through the dance while you listen to some music like you normally do.

You were waiting for Meredith to come along and watch because you two normally listen to music together and just vibe while watching them. About a couple of minutes later Meredith ran in."Sorry I'm late I went to get snacks!"She ran over to you and chucked a packet of Red vines at you."Thank you and here!"You chucked her an earphone while you opened the red vines. You two were listening to Hey Jude and just watching everyone dance."You're so lucky I can tell he really loves you," Merideth said out of the blue."Yeah, I am really lucky, I love him so much it's unimaginable!"You smiled."Plus another thing is how sexy is Mama Umbridge!"She laughed."Oh, she is so sexy! I would leave Joe for her!"You giggled."HEY!"Joe shouted. The both of you had a mini laughing fit.

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