Ethan Green x reader

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Source: Tumblr

Summary: It's your birthday, but all anyone can talk about is the prom. Your friends, your parents, even your boyfriend.

Trigger Warnings: None

You stare at the poster with a small frown. Of all days, why did it have to be tomorrow? It's the first time it's fallen on a Saturday since you started high school.

Your friends always helped celebrate— freshman year, when you turned fifteen, they'd made you wear a big button with ribbons on it. For your sweet sixteenth, they'd gotten the whole cafeteria to sing to you. Last year, they'd brought in an entire cake to your favourite class. And, of course, every year they decorate your locker with wrapping paper and balloons a week in advance.

Except this year.

This year, your locker is as bare as it was at the beginning of the school year. None of your friends— or even your boyfriend, Ethan— had said a single word to you about your birthday. Your eighteenth birthday. And you know exactly why, too.


God. Damn. Senior. Prom.

It's always held on a Saturday in either late March or early April, and this year it coincides with your birthday. It's gotten everyone so excited that they've completely forgotten about your big day.

You sigh, turning away from the big poster advertising the biggest school dance of the year, and start heading out to the student parking lot to find your boyfriend's car.

It's not a big deal, you tell yourself. Birthdays are just another day, anyway, right? Just another lap around the sun. Another year you haven't died yet. And I don't even like being the center of attention offstage, anyway!

But you know that's kind of a lie. As much as you don't like being the centre of attention, you do like people at least acknowledging your birthday.

Ethan's waiting for you, as usual, fiddling with the dials of his radio. Everything in the old jalopy is faulty and in need of replacement, but for some reason, he refuses to replace anything that isn't a potential health hazard.

He can tell right away that something's wrong when you open the door and get in. You don't say a word, just pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before buckling up. He pulls out of the parking lot, glancing at you worriedly.

"You okay, babe?" He asks softly, and you just nod.

"'M fine," you mumble, staring out the window.

"You don't seem fine," he points out.

You shrug. "Just got a lot on my mind, that's all. Mr Kessler's being a pain in the ass, assigning homework this weekend."

"Yeah, I don't know why he does that," Ethan says. "My brother says he does that every year on Prom weekend."


"I still have to pick up that... flower thingy," he says.

"The corsage?" You ask, cracking a small smile, and Ethan nods.

"Yeah, that," he says softly. "Doesn't it have to go in the fridge or something?"

"It's a live flower, E," you tease. "Well, kinda... you know what I mean."

He chuckles, glad he could get you to smile through your bad mood. "So I'm picking you up at five, right? And we're going to dinner at that sushi place with all our friends?"

"Yeah," you mumble as he pulls into your driveway and parks. "Wanna come inside?"

"Nah, I gotta get home," Ethan says, checking his mirrors as you get out of his car. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N!"

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