Animal Crossing

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A/N: This was a request by @AllisonGorman by the way thank you guys who request I have loads of stuff to upload now!This has no romance in this its just very fluffy and they are like best friends xx

"Y/n its time to play fucking animal crossing" Robert Called out to me. Every day we all have to play animal crossing together it has become like a freaking cult."Okay, Robert I coming!"I replied. It was at that moment I remembered Robert always try to steal my favourite seat on the couch so I decided to run there and see if he had sat there. When I got there I saw that he was sitting there. I gave him the death stare! Jon was setting up the game so he didn't see.

"Okay, I've set it up now let's play!"Jon said sitting in the middle of us. To be honest I'm surprised he hasn't noticed on his right when I'm am always on his left! I knew I had to get him back somehow but I just had to think about a plan to get him back. Let's forget that for now and let's play the game. I giggled to myself a little too loud so that they could hear me. Jon looked a little creeped out and Robert looked scared.

"She's evil I swear," Robert Said to Jon. I chose to ignore that and go find some fossils. I was looking around while Jon was fishing and Robert was doing something I didn't really pay attention to be completely honest. Yes, I do like to be honest a lot but that's how you got to be with life live it to the max and not lie to yourself or anyone!"I'm gonna go to the toilet guys I will be right back."They just nodded too focused on the game.

I sighed and just went I took my phone to the toilet cause that's just what I do I think most people do that but hey who cares! I was really bored so I was just looking at what our friends have been posting. I saw that Jaime was singing to her fish which I thought was adorable and Lauren was posing with her daughter Diane which I miss so much! I spent too much time in the toilet so I washed my hands and went back to see the boys saying something weird.

"Come now sister darling!"Robert said in a weird squeaky voice."Coming sister!"Jon replied in the same sort of voice. I'm surprised they are taking it so seriously! I walked in ever so slowly to not blow my cover. Robert was filming them playing Animal crossing probably for his story."Let is stroll along the beach, "I think Robert said. I couldn't help it anymore I had to laugh. I fell to my knees laughing. I looked at Robert and Jon giving me a confused look.

"What is wrong y/n darling?"Jon said. That sounds so creepy it unbelievable!"Yes darling y/n what is wrong?"Robert added on. I thought why not have fun and play along with them."Oh nothing my dearest sisters just a little bit of the laughing matter, "I realised after I said what I said it didn't make sense at all. We just started to burst out laughing. I just sat down again and picked up my controller to see that my character had also been turned into one of the sisters."Wait y/n I just noticed that you are on my right and not my left!"Jon said looking at Robert.

"Yes, Robert you see you are in the wrong here now let me sit back in my seat!"I said standing up. I walked up to Robert and stood in front of him."NO I don't want to move sister!"He said in the voice. I tried not to show that it was funny at all."But sister darling I always sit there!"I replied in a higher voice. That is one of the advantages I have, a higher voice. While he was saying his little excuse, I was thinking of what to do that would make him move. I've got it!

"Okay that's fine sister darling I'm just going to turn the game off now!"I skipped over to the Nintendo Switch."NOOOO Y/N STOP DONT SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE YOUR SEAT HERE YOU GO!"Robert jumped up and screamed."Why thank you sister darling!"I said ever so sweetly. I walked to my seat and sat down next to Jon on his left side."Im never sitting there again by the you ass has been imprinted there!"Robert laughed."That's how you know it's my seat bitch!"I answered."I feel sorry for the person who might date you!"Jon said. Robert nodded in agreement.I just laughed and turned my head to the tv."NOW COME ON SISTERS!"I yelled.

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