Fixer Upper- Robert Manion

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Goddamn it.

The set for your latest show was probably one of the most ambitious projects the production team had ever tried. However, it was all falling apart and none of you could figure out why. You were in the final week of rehearsals before opening and most of the set was being held together by electrical tape and bits of string.

Corey was the most stressed you'd ever seen him and you two were staying back every night to try and rebuild what you could. Everybody could see that you'd been getting zero sleep so you had been alternating being the on-set mechanic while the other went home.

You turned out to be much better at fixing stuff than you'd thought. The solutions may have been temporary but until you could get to the bottom of the issue, they'd have to do. However, your solutions were getting more and more sloppy as the rehearsal dragged on and knowing that you'd be here until 4AM with Corey did little to lift your spirits.

Most of the cast were onstage running through one of the musical numbers but were under specific instructions not to touch anything- literally anything. You sat on one of the boxes at the side trying to repair the wheels on a locker prop while watching them go through the choreography. Mariah and Jaime were working on a specific bit with James, the amazing choreographer, on the other side of the stage but Robert, who had already perfected it, came and sat on the box next to you.

"Sorry about breaking the lockers," he said sheepishly. "The wheel got stuck between two of the electrical cords."

You and Robert were pretty close. You'd worked on several shows together before Starkid so when he'd officially joined the company you were ecstatic to have an excuse to see each other again. Seeing him was probably one of the highlights of this job and it gave you a small burst of energy.

"It's honestly fine, Rob," you reassured, tightening the screws on the new wheel. "If anything, it was our fault for making them badly."

He frowned. "They're seriously not bad. You guys really outdid yourselves this year!"

You rolled my eyes and put down the screwdriver. "At the rate that everything's breaking, we won't have a set left by next week!"

"What're you talking about? Your amazing solutions have kept everything together!" Robert grinned. "It's all going to be fine, y/n."

"Really? Because that wall is only staying up because my shoe is being used as a makeshift doorstop and my other shoe is being used to keep the platform from slipping off the blocks!" you said, gesturing towards your shoeless feet. "And I can't go home in my socks, Rob."

He winced. "Wow, I had no idea things were that bad. Did you find out what's been causing everything to break?"

You shook your head and wiped your bleary eyes. "My best guess is that the show is just cursed. Corey and I are rebuilding some of the main stuff tonight."

"Weren't you doing that yesterday and that's why you couldn't come over for the livestream?"

"Yeah," you yawned. "Sorry about that by that way."

Robert looked at you with worry. "If you want, I can stay and help Corey tonight while you go home. I have experience and you look like you could use the sleep," he offered.

"No," you replied affirmatively. "Then you'd be too exhausted for rehearsal tomorrow and besides, it's literally my job."


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