Chapter 20

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- this - means thoughts

this means other half talking in head

"this" means normal talking

Axel's P.O.V.

You're walking away.

Why are you walking away?

Our mate is behind you, James, you're walking the wrong-

Yes, I know, I get it.

Then why the fuck aren't you turning around?

You don't want a nest? You want to make our mate anxious and hate himself?

No, of course I don't, but-

Then shut up.

You're mad, and not at me, even if you pretend to be. You're mad we have to leave Severus and my Nat, like I am. You bring the collar of Severus's cloak up to your face and inhale his scent until you're calm enough to keep going. I revel in the scent of my mate, but still. It's not enough.

You keep walking until you reach the common room. The portrait lady asks for the password, and you snap at her until she lets you in, grumbling about how rude you were. You don't care.

"James!" It's your friend - the wizard with the scars. "Where have you been, we haven't seen you all day! Hey, are you alright?" You've started to push past him, but he grabs your wrist. You growl viciously, and I hear someone whimper across the room and start to scent their fear; the submissive oread, Si-something. Hey, James, careful. Don't scare him.

Right, sorry, sorry.

"Sorry, Moony, I'm fine. Great actually, just not right now." I feel joy begin to creep in past the anger. "I found my mate."

"Prongs! That's great!"

"Woah, congrats, James," says the ginger one I don't like - Lily, Axel, don't pretend you don't know - yeah, whatever. Anyway, she doesn't sound as enthusiastic as 'Moony. But still, I choose to ignore it.

"Who is she, James?" The mousey boy - Peter - chimes in. He actually sounds interested, rather than jealous or mocking like I might expect. But still, the use of female pronouns annoys me. Is he suggesting our mate should be female? That it's wrong to have a male mate? That Severus isn't good enough? Because he's more than good enough, he's perfect, and he can shove his 'she' up his-


"Snape? What about him?" I'm glad I don't have control - I might have broken your eyes from rolling them too hard.

"He's my mate." You're smiling, almost madly, just at the thought of him. No one else is smiling.

"Haha, funny, James. Who is it actually?" Peter says sarcastically. I growl silently, and you echo the sound out loud. All sound leaves the room as people turn to stare. I don't care, and neither do you.

"I'm not joking. I would never joke about this. He's my mate, and I love him, and I don't give two fucks about what you think of me. But if you say anything negative about him, I swear to Godric I will kick your arse."

He looks scared. They all do. Good.

"James, look at me," the dryad says from behind you, his voice meek. You turn, and sooth your features so as to not scare him. He's not who you're mad at, and you don't want to upset a submissive. "You found your mate? That's great, congratulations."

"Thank you." You hide a wince at how gravelly your voice is.

"How did you find him?"

You start explaining, and both of our moods lift as you do, at simply the thought of our mate. He must have led you upstairs whilst I was distracted by thoughts of my Nat, because next time I'm aware we're alone, and in your dormitory.

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