Chapter 11

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- this - means thoughts

this means creature talking in head

"this" means normal talking

Severus's P.O.V.

"Hey, you alright?", Luc asks me when I wake up. I can't stop smiling. I can't stop smiling because Nat had met our mate, and I can feel his joy radiating towards me. I nod, not wanting to speak without his permission in case he told my mate I was bad.

"Are you hungry? It is time for breakfast."

"I don't want to go down to the Great Hall. Too many people."

"Do you want me to bring something up for you?"

"Please? C-can you come alone, though?"

"Are you sure? Sev, I hate to break it to you, but you never leave the dorm. If you never leave, you'll never get to meet your mate. .....Maybe I could bring James up? He's been having mate dreams too, and he's always asking me if you're okay. Maybe...."



"Why not?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell..... but please don't bring Potter. Or anyone. I haven't really been comfortable around any other dom besides you, Luc. It's just a bit much...."

"..... Alright. Well, I'm going down, see you later, Sev."

And he's gone.

I want to meet the boy he was talking about.

-Who, Potter? No, absolutely not. He hates me.-

I remember Luc told us about him before. He said he wouldn't hurt us.

-Well, I don't exactly trust his word, Nat.-

He's a dom. Doms don't hurt subs.

-But I hurt him, Nat. He deserves to hurt me back.-


I've barely left the dorms in the past two weeks, and the only time I had was to go to my classes. I'm convinced that I don't need to see anyone, no one but Luc, really. Everything is okay. But, it comes as a shock when Lucius comes to me to, quote on quote 'have a little chat'.

"Sev, I'm bringing Potter up here to see you."

I freeze. Everything is terrible! "What?!"

"I think it would be good for you. You need to be able to walk around the castle without worrying about other doms, because they won't hurt you. You need to find your mate."


"No! No, please." Not Potter, anyone but Potter. I can't see him! I won't!

"Severus." He uses his dominant voice. I can't tell him no because he'll hate me, and I can't see Potter because I don't want to get hurt again. I feel so torn right now!

"Please!" I think I've started crying.

"Sev, I won't let anything bad happen to you, you know that. He won't hurt you. Just please see him, talk to him. You'll see that not everyone hates you, that doms want to protect you."


"Sev, I want you to see him."


I haven't seen James Potter since the beginning of the year when we had the creature specialists come in. But, I can tell that he's different, even before he enters the room.

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