Chapter 12 part 2

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- this - means thoughts

this means creature talking in head

"this" means normal talking

James's P.O.V.

I go in. 

I can't help but gasp. He is.... gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe my mate. I haven't seen him up close since.... well, since the beginning of the year. I never realised how stunning he was. And maybe it's the inheritance or the mate attraction, but now he's even more so. He's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. He sits in the perfect submissive position, kneeling, hands tucked over his lap, head bowed so layers of silky black hair fall over delicate, porcelain features. His wings are folded behind him gently, and I had seen them before, but not up close. They were a beautiful ebony, each feather long and soft and begging my hands to run through them.

My mate.

"Severus." His name is a sigh from my lips, and I want to taste it forever in my mouth. I step towards him, wanting more, needing more of him, needing the touch of his skin on mine, his curves under my hands, his lips against mine, his hair threaded through my fingers, my scent on him, mingling inseparably with mine forever. I need my mate.

But he flinches away from me, and my heart snaps in two. He's scared of me. My mate thinks I would hurt him. My mate.

"You don't need to be scared of me, Severus. I won't hurt you, ever." He doesn't know the truth of those words. He doesn't move. I realise he doesn't believe me. 

I take another step towards him, because if I get closer, if he can just see me..... but he flinches and takes a step back.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you, Severus." I can't help but feel angry at the prospect. He is my mate, my sub. I shouldn't have to tell him I won't hurt him, I'd rather die for him. But I didn't mean to show that emotion through my tone. He practically starts shaking, ducking his head further down. He's scared of me. 

"Are you okay?" He can't be scared. "Talk to me, Severus."

He whimpers, and I just want to grab him and hold him tight, telling him everything is okay. Just that thought is enough to send me to my knees.

"Are you scared of me?", I ask when he doesn't respond.

"Y-yes." His voice is so small, I almost didn't hear him. His voice sounds so different. So.... beautiful and soft. But, I feel a part of me die at his answer.

"Why?" What have I done? How can I make it better?

"B-because, you're a dom, a-a-and you hate me, and..." No, no, no, no, no.

"I don't hate you, Severus." I want to say it a million times. I want to say it until it sinks in. Because I cannot have my mate thinking I hate him.


"I've told you, I forgive you. Look at me, Severus. Look at me and tell me I'm lying." Because if he looks at me, he'll understand. If he looks at me, he'll know he's my mate. And I'm his. "Severus, please, I'm asking you to look at me." And then, finally, he does.

Here's a truth; my mate's eyes are black. No, not just black, ebony. I never knew how much could be encompassed in a single word. Because ebony is not just ebony, it is a swirling, moving color, like looking into the night sky. It's swimming with confusion, doubt, fear, dread, and the possibilities of love and joy. Ebony is the color of my mate's eyes. And ebony will never just be ebony ever again.

I thought I knew that Severus was my mate. But now, at this moment, I have never been more certain of anything in my entire life. It is a certainty that takes my breath away.

"Mate. Severus, you're my mate, my sub." My voice is so quiet I can barely hear it, but I have no breath to speak with, and I don't think I ever will again. I have never been so happy. But then.... then his eyes start to darken. I thought he was scared before. But now, he's terrified.


He's shaking. Not just his hands, like before, but all over, quaking. He scrambles to his feet, eyes darting around the room. Looking for a way out. Backing away from me. I try to follow him, to calm him down, because he's so scared, and he can't reject me. I won't let him. He quickly dodges me and runs to the wide open door. I suddenly realise what he's doing. 

"No, Sev, please stop..."

I can't stop him as he opens the door and dashes through it, and I'm left alone with silence. The only sounds I hear are the thumping of my breaking heart, and Axel's deafening barks as they echo in my mind.


(810 words. credit for inspiration to @cameronn__'s story "Be My Wings".)

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