Chapter 26

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Warning: intense bullying and mentions of light injury


- this - means thoughts

this means creature talking in head

"this" means normal talking

James's P.O.V.

Now that Severus's nest - our nest, as he insists I call it - is finished, we barely leave each others' sides. To classes, of course, but really only the first five minutes or so, before I lose it. And, honestly, lose it means lose it. Multiple times I've been unable to stop you from taking control and running to the greenhouse or astronomy tower, literally knocking students over and snagging a lot of attention on the way.

You honestly think I care.

-Evidently not.-

Anyway, we're almost always with Severus. If I had it my way, there would be no almost about it. But both Lily and my teachers insist I at least try to go to class, even if I don't need too much help in most of them, especially defence, so needs must.

But sometimes, very occasionally, we're apart at other times. And now just happens to be one of them.

Severus's been stolen away by his friends on some Hogsmeade friendship date, quote-on-quote 'no partners - or mates - allowed'. Even if Lucius was just as furious about leaving Narcissa (he had to stay in the library because he forgot he had homework) as I was about letting Sev go without me, Bellatrix and Regulus were having absolutely none of it. So I had kissed Sev hard on the lips to spite them, then against his neck where my mark will go, and told him to come find me in Gryffindor as soon as he got back. He agreed (swooning slightly from the kiss, which made you absolutely chuffed - and you, James, don't go blaming everything on me) then they were off.

So now it's about 9pm, and I'm pacing up and down the common room. They said they would stay out for dinner, but surely they should be back by now.

"James, calm down, everything's going to be fine. They're probably just having a nice time. Come play chess with me, take your mind off it," Peter says from the chess table in the window.

Stupid human, doesn't know what it's like, should just fucking shut up for once-

"Eh, you'd just win anyway. I'm going to firecall the Slytherin common room, see if the others are back yet."

"You sure that's a good idea?" I scowl at Sirius, and he backs down, letting me head to the fireplace.

Some seventh year I don't know the name of answers the firecall, looking very confused. Probably never happens. Thinking about it, it would be weird to get a random firecall to the Gryffindor common room, but I really couldn't care less.

"Um, yes?"

"Any fifth years there?"

"Yeah, oi, Black!" My heart drops. They're back. They're back, and Sevy's not here. Something's wrong, something must be-

"Hey, Potter, what's going on?"

"Is Severus with you?" Bellatrix laughs.

"Funny. As if he's not going to literally fly to you as soon as we let him."

"When did you get back?"

"Uh, about half an hour ago. Why?"


-I know.-

I disconnect the firecall, completely ignoring my friends' questions about what's going on, and sprint out of the common room, blocking out the Fat Lady's objections. I try not to let panic rise in me. It'll be fine, I'll find him, and it'll be fine-

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