Chapter 10

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- this - means thoughts

this means creature talking in head

"this" means normal talking

James's P.O.V.

The next two weeks of school go by in a blur. Lessons have almost become ridiculously hard (Transfiguration with McGonagall still, Charms with Flitwick, Herbology with Sprout, potions with Slughorn, Care of Magical Creatures with Kettleburn, and DADA with Bryce). The new DADA teacher is pretty good; she's one of the best we've had so far. 

More importantly, I've had seven more mate dreams. And every morning, I wake up in more and more pain. However, this morning Axel seems deliriously happy.

I met him!


Our mate's creature. I met him. He's wonderful, James, the best mate I could ever ask for! He's really shy and timid and adorable and super submissive but in the best way possible and he fits perfectly in my arms and I think I love him already, I really do, and-

-Woah, slow down. You met his creature, so does that mean he's not a normal wizard?-

No, he has to have an inheritance. Either that or he's a bitten werewolf or something like that.

-So, what creature was he?-

I don't know. I can't remember.... but I know his name is Nathaniel and he's so beautiful.

-What does he look like?-

Axel is silent for a while, trying to remember. I realize that while the dreams prevent me from finding out too much about my mate, they must make Axel forget. He feels upset about it.

Why can't I remember? I love him more than anything in the world, and I can't even remember what he looks like? What kind of mate am I if I can't-

-Stop. It's not your fault. It's a side effect of the dreams. That's what is making you forget.-

Really? You're sure?

-Fairly. It would make sense. The mate dreams only let me know one thing about our mate at a time. If you remembered what he looked like, it would defeat the purpose.-

Yeah, that does make sense. Still, I wish I could remember. He is gorgeous, though, I remember that much. 

-Exactly. Plus, even if we don't know what he looks like, there are only a few male subs in the school.-

Then let's start looking!

-Hold on. We can't. I put off all my homework until the weekend, so I have a bunch of stuff to do. Just because I'm a kitsune doesn't mean I don't take my exams.-

Do your exams really matter?

-If I don't get good grades, I don't get a job. How will I provide for our mate then?-

Axel groans, but agrees, so we head down to the common room after changing to get started on a transfiguration essay.

After thirty minutes or so, Lily comes down to help me with my essay. A few days ago, I told her about my situation, and although I was disappointed that she wasn't my mate, we made our way to a friendship status. I know I might say this more times than I need to, but thank Merlin for Lily. Without her, I probably would be failing half of my classes due to homework. Thank Merlin for her and Remus.

By lunch time, I'm starving and the mate-pains have gotten worse. I head up to the dorms to get Peter, who is still sleeping (not much of a surprise), and wait for him to put on some casual robes before heading out to eat.

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