Chapter 9

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- this - means thoughts

this means creature talking in head

"this" means normal talking

Severus's P.O.V.

The next day when I wake up, the first thing I noticed was that my mate-pains are worse, and the second is that Nat is sad. Almost unbearably so.

-What's wrong, Nat?-

Nat doesn't say anything, just whimpers, and I can tell that I'm not going to get a response out of you.

The third thing is that I feel.... different. Even more submissive than normal. Like being around my mate, even in a mate dream, has enhanced my seemingly timid and obedient nature.

"You're awake." It's Lucius. He must've stayed with me as I slept. I nod to him, Like Nat, I don't quite feel like talking. "It's time for breakfast. Do you want to go down to the Great Hall?" I shake my head no. "Are you sure? I don't want you being cooped up here forever." I bow my head slightly, thinking Luc was upset with me, which makes me upset. He must have noticed, because he immediately comforts me. "Hey, it's alright. You haven't done anything wrong. You can stay as long as you need, but only need, okay?" I nod my head yes. "Good sub." I let out a small chirp and blush as the sound leaves my mouth.

"Dominic wants to hunt. Do you mind if we catch something for you instead of grabbing something from the Great hall?" Like birds of prey, which most Veelas are related to, we need to hunt on a regular basis, especially doms. I shake my head no, I don't mind. "Okay, I'll be back in a little bit. You sure you don't want to come?" I nod my head, and he gives me a smile as he closes the door behind him.

I curl up in my makeshift nest, but I can't help but feel like I hate it. For one, I didn't spend enough time on it, and it's not the right shape at all. It's only made from my bed sheets as well, so it only smells like me, when it should smell like people I care about, have a part of them in it. And a lot from my mate. It should smell more like my mate than myself, and I hate that it doesn't. The worst thing, though, is that he's not in it. A nest is something to be shared, and alone it feels empty, making my mate-pain even worse, and making Nat more upset.

Eventually, I can't take it anymore, and I need to get out. Not just out of my 'nest', but my dorm. It's suddenly become stifling in here.

I find myself in the library. A couple of people are clearing out, but overall it's mostly empty. I keep my head down, so immersed in not drawing attention to myself that I don't notice I have until shadows are cast over the table. I look up, careful not to make eye contact as I recognise three seventh year Gryffindors.

I don't say anything, letting them speak first as a sign of respect that they probably don't even recognise.

"Not so tough now, are you, you Slytherin piece of shit!" I wince, and I feel Nat practically wither.

"Shouldn't be allowed to roam free, should you. But I guess you can't do anything because you're so pathetic, right, submissive?"


"Shut your mouth. You deserve what you're about to get."

When he realizes I'm not going to say anything, he punches me, and I feel the pain blossom across my face. I rear back, trying to occupy as little space as possible, and I involuntarily let out a whimper.

"Look at how pathetic he is, can't even stand up for himself. Probably realized he fucking deserved it!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" A new voice enters. The Gryffindors turn to reveal a dominant fire elf. He's a Hufflepuff, probably a year above me, and I think this is the Tonks boy Andromeda was telling Cissa about. And right now he looks angry. His eyes are a flaming red and he has flames shooting off the tips of his fingers.

"Teaching this little piece of shit a lesson. One he should have learned a long time ago."

"Well, if you don't fuck off, I'll shove that lesson so far up your ass that you'll be able to taste it."

"Yeah? I'd like to see you try." In an instant, Tonks wraps his fist around the Gryffindor's neck and lifts him off the ground. The Gryffindor promptly starts struggling against him, clawing at his hand, as he in turn refuses to let go. Knowing fire elves, the hand is probably scalding hot, and no doubt that there'll be burn scars on his neck for years.

"Never, ever, insult or hurt a sub again, or you'll have me to answer to. Got it?" The Gryffindor makes a choking sound, which Tonks takes as confirmation, apparently, because he drops the Gryffindor and scowls as he and his friends scurry away.

He then turns to me, eyes melting from anger to sympathy.But he doesn't move to touch me, and for that I'm relieved. I don't think I can handle a dom touching me at the moment, for I'd probably end up falling at his feet.

"Are you alright?" I nod, not taking my eyes off of the floor. "Look at me, Severus." My head lifts on its own accord, and I make eye contact with the Hufflepuff. He looks me up and down, and searches my eyes, for what I don't know, but whatever he finds is apparently satisfactory, as he nods.

"I have half a mind to rip their heads off. If you had been my mate.... fuck, I don't know what I'd do. Is your mate in the castle?" I shrug, as I haven't met them yet, even though they probably are. "You want to head back to your common room?" I nod, hoping he'll take me. "Come on, then. I'm sure you don't want to be alone after that."

Say something, or he'll think we're rude.

"Th-thank y-you." My voice is quiet, and he might have only been able to hear me due to his creature hearing. He smiles down at me. 

"You're welcome. Bastards deserved it, though. Probably deserved more. Hurting a sub like that...." His eyes glow red, the beginning of a smoldering fire burning in them. 

"I-I deserved it." He growls and I can't help but flinch a little.

"Sorry, but no, you don't deserve it. No one deserves to be bullied, especially subs." I nod, although I don't believe him. I don't want to object, though. Who knows what he'll do. 

There are very few people in the halls, and for that, I'm glad. I couldn't deal with everyone staring at me right now. And I don't want what happened in the library to happen again, ever.

I don't understand why they were so mean.

-That's what I've been trying to tell you, Nat. Everyone hates me, but they didn't do anything because they were scared of me. And now that they aren't, they can do whatever they want to me. You understand that?-

But o-our mate can't hate us. We were made for them. They can't!

I stay silent. Eventually, Tonks and I reach the common room entrance.

"You sure you're okay?"

"F-fine." A lie. "T-thanks. Again."

"The least I could do. See you soon, Severus." He leaves, and I scurry back to my makeshift nest, pretending it's adequate. I curl up, trying to imagine my mate curled up with me, his arms around me and my head on his chest.

Later, Luc comes back with what he caught, and I happily eat what he's given me. But, he tells me he has something to do, so I let him leave and bury myself further into my nest.


(1,304 words. credit for inspiration to @cameronn__ and their story "Be My Wings".)

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