Chapter 21

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- this - means thoughts

this means other half talking in head

"this" means normal talking

Severus's P.O.V.

I notice two things when I wake up. The first is that I'm heartbreakingly alone, except for you, that is. The second is that, for the first time in months, I'm not in pain.

Because we found him!

We found him.

"Severus? Are you up?" It's Lucius. I murmur a sound of affirmation. "Good, because there's someone here to see you..."


I immediately perk up, James, James, James, echoing through my head. I throw on some clothes - no, you can't wear that; we need to look nice! Our mate is out there! - right, right. Forgot, was hurrying. I throw on some nicer clothes, stopping to smooth down my hair and de-ruffle my wings, before throwing open the curtains around my bed. I barely notice my roommates before I'm physically flying out of the door.

I barrel straight into him - him, James, my mate, my dom - and yelp. He doesn't fall over, though, just catches me in his arms as I swoon into them. He smells so good, I can't get over it.

His laugh is a rich chuckle in my ear as he whispers, "Why, hello, beautiful." beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! "You ready for some breakfast?" I nod into the crook of his neck. "You going to let me see your face?" I shake my head. I'm practically a tomato. Who wants to be mated to that? "Why not, mate mine?"

Is he frowning? He sounds like he's frowning. Lift up your head, Severus!

I do, and immediately meet his eyes. I don't think it will ever not surprise me how rich they are.

"There you go, good boy. So beautiful, look at you, mate mine." I thought I swooned before. That was nothing.

I quite literally collapse against him, so much so he has to stagger to keep me upright. I feel his arms flex as he grips my hips, before they move to pull my thighs up so they wrap around his waist. He grins up at me, and my heart grows wings bigger than mine, bursts out of my chest, and flies out the window.

"Compliments and tiredness might be a bit much, huh?" I nod, flushing, trying to ignore your almost painfully loud squeals of delight that echo around my head. He leans in, pressing his lips to my ear. "I'd rather catch you a million times," he whispers, "than stop, mate mine." My whole body quivers, both at his words and at the light kiss he presses against the skin just under my ear. "Let's go downstairs, beautiful."

He carries me all the way to the Great Hall without even getting winded, making you babble about how strong and amazing he is, so fast I can't even distinguish individual words.

"I'm going to take you to the Gryffindor table, okay?" Oh. Oh, no. No, they're going to kill me!

Don't be silly, James wouldn't let them do that.

-And ruin his friendship with his friends? I can't do that!-

"Talk to me, Sev. Is that okay?"

"I'm scared," it comes out quieter than I intended, barely a whisper.

"Oh, mate mine, it's okay. I know, but you're okay. I'm here."

"I-I know."

"I'm here, and I've got you."

"I know."

"And I won't let anyone or anything hurt you ever again."

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