Chapter 4

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- this - means thoughts

this means creature talking in head

"this" means normal talking

James's P.O.V.

I wake up with Axel whining in my head. I snap my eyes open reluctantly, as I didn't want to leave the calm of my dream. I stood up, stretched, and slowly grabbed my wand and invisibility cloak out of my trunk before slinking down the stairs to the Common Room.

I throw the cloak on me before cracking open the portrait and slipping through the portrait hole. I walk down the corridors, stopping in the middle of a random hallway to let my ears and tails go free. I start to follow my mate's scent. They smell utterly amazing, like intoxicating potion fumes, something sweet like roses and cinnamon, and fresh paper and ink.

I continue to follow the scent, my mate's scent, down past the great hall. I weave through the corridors until I stop somewhere in the dungeons. I quietly make my way down to the Slytherin's portrait before stopping. This was where the scent was the strongest so far. So, my mate was a Slytherin? I totally didn't expect that. I wanted to know who they were exactly, but I didn't know the password. And even if I did get in, I didn't want to get caught. So, I stared at the portrait for a moment longer before making my way out of the cold dungeons and back to my warm bed.


Severus's P.O.V.

I pass out and find myself dreaming. I find myself standing in a black room, more like an empty void, and I can't feel Nat with me. I think back to what Nat told me before I fell asleep.

I can't wait until you can fall asleep and meet our mate, Nat had told me.

-What are you talking about, Nat?-

You have mate dreams. Mate dreams are designed to help you figure out who your mate is. They only work when you both are in close proximity to each other. The more mate dreams we have , the more defined our mate will be in them.

-I don't normally dream, though.-

Well you will tonight. 

I decide to leave the rest of the conversation alone as I yawn. 

Now, I'm trapped in dreamland in what feels like an empty void. All I can see in any direction is black nothing. Suddenly a figure emerges from the void and walks towards me. I can't point out literally anything about who they are, but I know that this is my mate. I bow to my knees in submission to them as they wrap their arms around me. I twitter contently as they start running their fingers through my hair and I stay like that in their arms inhaling their heavenly scent. I can tell neither of us want to let the other go.

But, before I know it, my eyes are squinting open at the bright sunlight filtering in through the windows through the Black Lake. I specifically remember closing my curtains last night, but someone decided not to let me sleep in.

I feel... content, now that I know my mate is obviously somewhere in Hogwarts. I yawn and stretch, and decide to get ready for the day as Nat decides to pester me with questions about my first mate dream.

What were they like? Could you tell what gender they were?

-No Nat, I couldn't figure out anything about them. All I know is that they were my mate, and they're obviously herein the castle.-

What did they do in the dream? Did they touch you at all? Did they talk?How did they make you feel? Did they make you feel safe?

-All that they did was wrap their arms around me and hold me there. I don't think they could talk or anything. But, yeah they did make me feel safe. I never wanted to leave their arms.-

That's good! That means our mate wants us, Sevvy!

-Yeah, well, let's wait until they actually meet us to make that assumption.-

James's P.O.V.

I wake up to Sirius yelling at me to wake up, screaming that we're gonna be late for breakfast. Honestly, I could care less about eating breakfast, but I think about possibly meeting my mate, and I suddenly jolt up in bed. I scramble about trying to get ready, and by the time I get my uniform on (note my crooked tie), and attempt to tame my hair (it didn't work out very well), the rest of Gryffindor house is already ready for the morning.

I remember falling asleep right as I got back into bed. The only thing I remember about the mate dream I had was that they are somewhere in the castle, but I picked that up last night in the dungeons. We head to the Gryffindor table and I take a glance at the Slytherins. I didn't make eye contact with any of them, so I still haven't found my mate.

I figured my next step to find them would be to go over to their table and let out my aura. Then I would definitely know who the submissives were. Then I could target them individually and go trial by error.

McGonagall handed us our schedules, and soon we had to get to class. If my mate wasn't in any of my classes, I was definitely going to try out my plan tomorrow morning. The mate-pains were getting worse. The first class of the day was Transfiguration, which was a double period, so I got up and headed to the Transfiguration classroom with Sirius and Peter, since Remus had Ancient Runes.

I went to my usual seat towards the right side of the room, and Sirius took his seat on my left. We were one of the last students to get to class on time (we normally don't get there on time). I let my eyes wander the room as McGonagall gave her beginning of year welcome back speech. This class was Slytherin and Gryffindor only, and I was able to spot people I mostly knew to be in this class. There were only a few people I didn't recognize.

Dorcas and Marlene were in the front row, next to the classroom door. To their right were Snape and Lily. I still think it's weird how they always sit together. To their right were Alice and Frank. Behind Dorcas and Marlene sat two Slytherins, Goyle and Parkinson. I didn't know the girl on the right of Peter, who sat behind Lily and Snape. To their right sat Crabbe and Regulus. Sirius and I sit behind Crabbe and Regulus. On our left sat Narcissa and Lucius, and on their left sat Rodolphus and Bellatrix.

Some people, I noticed, had sat next to their mates. Lucius with Narcissa, Bellatrix with Rodolphus, Dorcas and Marlene, and Alice and Frank. I decided to find out how many subs were in the class and pushed my aura out. Right away, I noticeably saw a few people shrink in on themselves. Dorcas, obviously, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Alice, Sirius flinched a little, the mystery girl did too, and.... so did Snape. That's weird, I didn't reckon that Snape would be a Submissive.

I pulled my aura back in, mouthing a 'sorry' to Sirius, as McGonagall told us to get our wands out for this next lesson.


The rest of my classes passed by, and now it was time for dinner in the Great Hall. I meet up with Sirius, Remus, and Peter at our house table, where we start talking about our day and dishing out food. Suddenly, McGonagall stands up at the phoenix podium and grabs the attention of everyone in the Great Hall.

"Could all fifth years stay behind to talk after dinner? Thank you."

What happened? Who got in trouble now?

-I don't know, but we better do what she tells us, I know from experience that you don't want to get on McGonagall's bad side.-

So the fifth years all wait in suspense while everyone else exits the great hall.


(1,324 words)

Sorry I didn't say this earlier, but credit goes to @cameronn__ . I used their story "Be My Wings (drarry)" as inspiration for this story.

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