Say something

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Read the A/N, I NEED HELP.

Also, do I dare to ask for 30 comments??? :O

Songs: Say Something / A great big world

Say you love me / Jessie Ware

Me / The 1975

New York / Milk & Bone

Tears are rolling down Selenia’s cheeks when she is staring at Newt’s blank facial expression. Newt. Her boyfriend, the love of her life is going to kill himself. Only to stop One. To stop him talking to her, to make her life ‘good’ again… By killing himself, Newt is only making sure that Selenia will never be happy again.

“Why?” She asks quietly. Selenia wants to scream and hit Newt, hard, but she doesn’t want to cause a scene. And she kind of knows that violence is not the answer. But she still would like to do it. “WHY?”

“I love you.” Newt says quietly and tries to hug Selenia. Selenia backs off and stumbles few times before Gally catches her.

“No.” She mutters. “You don’t.”

“I do, that’s why I did this.”

“No, you did this to make sure I’ll never be happy again.” She says and tries to stop the tiers but it’s not working.

“Love, you’ll….-”

“No,” she says and stops crying. “Don’t you see? All these years we’ve spent fighting, trying to be together are now just waste of time! I’ve been fighting for NOTHING! Why should I keep on fighting, when my prize won’t be you?”

Selenia bites her lip to hold the tears. “How could you do this to me? It though you cared about me.”

“I do…”

“Than why are you leaving me?” She asks quitly. Death. That’s going to be the end of them.

“I thought I did the right thing. I was just thinking how…-”

“Then stop thinking.” She says behind her teeth. After few seconds of silence she starts to walk towards him. Now she is just angry. “Every time you think, something bad happens. Remember when you had a fight with that bastard from the glade? Ed? What did you say? ‘I was just thinking how...’ Stop thinking Newt!”

“I’m sorry I’m ready to die for you.”

“You are not dying for me.” She says quietly. “You are going to kill yourself so you could think that you tried. That you tried to do something for me, but this isn’t the right way…Say something! CAN’T YOU FUCKING SEE THAT I’M GIVING UP ON YOU?” She screams after few seconds of silence.


“I’ve had enough.” She says quietly.”Forget it, Newt. Don’t talk to me.”

And with those words, Selenia starts to walk away from him. Newt watches her back for few seconds before he realises to say something;”Selenia! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!”

She turns around and glares at him; “I can’t leave something I never had.” She looks up to  Gally. “Gally, Thomas and Mark. We need to talk.”

“Okay, honey.” Mark says and smiles for Newt. “I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.”

Shuck, Newt thinks when he sees how Mark hugs Selenia. He just made her run to Mark’s arms. How lovely.

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