Loving you is suicide

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You are not allowed to hate me. That's your warning. And, 20 comments before next update.

ALSO, you may or may have not noticed but I don't really follow the original script so this WILL NOT be an exception. Sorry not sorry. I used my own imagination.

Songs; The xx - Shelter /Gally & Selenia

-Sam Smith  - Stay with me

-Cher Lloyd - Sirens 

-Katy Perry - Who am I living for /Selenia

Social media;


Snapchat; S3L3NA

Insta: selenahih

Twitter: cherrrybommm (Lol, I hate that name so much, I've been thinking about chasing it)

---Two days later---

"Gally." A small voice whispers next to sleeping Gally. "Gally, wake up!" Gally opens his green eyes and sees his best friend sitting next to him. Any other glader would be happy to see their best friend but not Gally; he knows that if Selenia is  waking him up in the middle of the night means that something bad is happening. "Gally."

"What is it, sweet heart?" He asks and sits up next to her. Gally looks up to the sky and sees that it's full moon. He is tired as klunk because they have been travelling for two days and Gally hadn't been sleeping that well. He has been standing next to Selenia every damn second of those two days. No matter if it's about helping her to fall asleep, waking her up from her  nightmares or trying to help Selenia understand  the shucking map John gave Mark. And now, here he is again, besides her.

"He won't shut up." Selenia says and closes her eyes. "It's getting worse, I...I'm going crazy.... he wants me to kill Newt so badly that I.... I don't know how to resist it. Hey, don't give me that look!" Selenia screams when she sees Gally's glare. "It's not like I'm going to do it, okay? It's just harder. He is getting louder and louder and... I can't stop thinking about that night." her voice turns into a quiet whispers when she mentions those two words. For someone else ‘that night’ could be any other night but for not these two. For Selenia and Gally ‘that night’ means nasty secrets and death….

"Oh." Gally says. This is the first time that Selenia has ever never ever never ever said anything about that night. It's like little dark secret between them; They both know it, think about and are afraid of it but either of them will  ever never ever ever never says anything about it. Never.

"I don't know what to do." Selenia says and rests her head on Gally's lap. "I can't fall asleep."

"Maybe I should wake Newt, I'm sure he'll....-"

"NO." Selenia says and stands up. "NO. NO Newt, NO. We hadn't spoken since... SInce… since we talked about One's little adventure."

"Right." Gally mutters and taps his lap again. "Come back here sis."

"I don't know what to do." Selenia says. "He doesn't speak to me. He ignores me completely... Maybe it's for the best, you know. After all One is getting louder, maybe it’s better this way... It's not like I deserve him..."

"No, he doesn't deserve you." Gally corrects and mentally taps himself on the shoulder for making Selenia laugh. Lately she had barely even  smiled and not even mentioning laughing so Gally is pretty happy for making her laugh.

"I can't go back home." She says. "They'll kill me and I don't even know why! Why should I be killed? I'm just immune to the Fleur, not a big deal, it's not like they made the Fleur and... They... They can't, they couldn't..."

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