This is the last time

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IMPORTANT; This chapter includes sad stuff and it might be a trigger :/ Direct message me if you feel like it. Anyway, I didn't put much effort on this one, so I'm sorry about that :/ I've been busy...

THAT AWKWARD MOMENT WHEN YOUR Peter Pan fanfic has more votes than your TMR but your TMR has more comments than your Peter Pan :P

BTW, I'm so sad because one of my baes stopped reading and one other lies that she is still reading but I know that she isn't... Wow, I sound like a total bitch *laughing out loud. Sorry :(

BTW! Wattpad changed my story to RATED-R a.k.a Mature

Songs for the chapter;

One Direction - Night changes

Arctic Monkeys - I wanna be yours / R U mine / Do I wanna know

Jared Leto - Stay

////Selenia/// - Seven days later

I want to die.

I want to stab myself to my chest and pull off my teeth out. I feel like crying, dying and vomiting. And just because he is with her here. A tall blond girl named Emily, they are laughing and drinking. Newt and Emily. Emily and Newt. I hate this, I want to kill her so badly that it scares me. Could I do it? (PIC on the side)

I guess this is how Newt feels when I'm around Mark; Jealous, ill and sad. I feel so... Empty. Besides the rage and sadness, I'm mostly empty. And hurt. But still kind of empty. This is a feeling I've never heard before.

"Who is she?" Gally whispers to my ear and pulls me to sit on his lap. I thank God for him, without Gally I would lose my fucking mind. I need him more than ever and there's no way I could ever thank him enough.

"Emily, from group B." I mutter and wrap my arms around Gally's neck. "I feel like fucking killing myself." I say honestly and grab his drink. "I need this more than you." To be honest one of the reasons why I want to vomit s because I've been drinking too much... Way too much.

"How many have you already had?" He asks and stares into my eyes like some kinda mind-reader."Your speaking is unclear."

"I had four drinks." I lie and let out a small giggle.

"She had seven." Mark says behind my back. I stand up from Gally's lap and glare at him.

"What? Are you fucking counting or something? I have every right to drink! The pain... It's not going away." I mutter.

"Here." Mark says and wraps his arm around my waist. "Let's go upstairs and do something fun." He says and winks.

"Okay." I say and wave at Gally. "I'll be okay." I start to follow Mark's steps to the upstairs. Before I step on the stair I turn around and see Newt wrapping his arms around Emily's neck.

And then they kiss.


"Why are they here?" Mark asks. "I mean glader from group A, B and C?"

"Leaving them behind meant risking their lives." I say and lay on the couch, my head resting on his lap. "WICKED wants to hurt them too."

Newt was kissing Emily. He was kissing another woman.... He was kissing someone else.

I guess this is how Mark and Newt felt when I messed around with both of them; I deserve this huge pain in my chest, I did this to them and now it's my turn to feel it too. And this feeling sucks, by the way.

"And now you invited them here to this big old house and now we are all drunk. Whose house this is?" Mark asks and laughs at my stupidness.

"I have no idea." I answer and giggle. "Maybe it's Santa's house."

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