Damaged people are dangerous - they know they can survive

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YEEESSS :) Last chapter got 26 comments, THANK YOU. It makes me so happy that I'm going to update before Xmas ;) Anyway, remember that Chapter 1 and 2 were SCENES BEFORE Newt escaped the Glade, okay? Okay. God, I'm so funny.... :P

And I got some PRETTY angry comments for making Newt suffer :O I laughed alot, you guys are hilarious. Anyway, this chapter is more like a filler.


 This one is for @newt_instruments I LOVE YOU and read her stories ;)

///Selenia's P.O.V/// This one is WHILE Newt is escaping the MAZE

"Hi." Mark says and sits next to me. I wipe my tears away and smile. "Are you okay?"

I'm afraid of talking so I nod and smile a little more. I'm a monster. I'm a terrible heartless person and I deserve to die. I want to die. I can't live like this, I can't live with myself. I have lost the best thing in  my whole life. The one true love of mine.

"Do not lie to me. WHY. ARE. YOU. CRYING?" Mark says and lifts my chin up, forcing me to face his eyes. I don't wanna see him. I don't want to talk to him. And what can I say? I can't tell him what I did. I can't tell him I'm upset because I ALMOST hurt Newt. I didn't, but it was close. All because of this stupid deal.... So I have to lie, right? Yes.

"My mom.... She just made me feel so.... I don't know. Something has changed in me. I'm scared." Well, that wasn't a lie, it's actually true. Something has changed in me, something is different in me. I feel different. "And killing a person... No, killing the gladers.... I feel so damaged."

"Honey, you've always been damaged." Ouch. Wow, he is RUDE. Is this what my life is going to be? Going from Newt to Mark? Going from A to F? From ten to one? Newt would say that I'm not damaged, he would say that I'm a shucking survivor, a warrior. And then he would hold me and tell me that he loves me. But now... I'm going to survive on my own. But I'm not going to let Mark win. He is going to pay and I can't wait to see his face when he sees what I've done. I wanna hurt him.

"And besides, Selenia, you didn't kill that girl. Like I said, it was a test, she wasn't real." He says and stands up.

"What?" I stand up to and punch his shoulder playfully. He smiles and nods and I feel so much lighter. I didn't kill her. I didn't do it... But still, it doesn't change anything. I thought I did, I thought she was a person. But sitting in the dark with spiders, it was too much. I couldn't take it anymore. Hearing all the voices, hearing HIS voice.... I just couldn't. I'm weak and I can't be that. I need to get a grip.

"I'm so glad that you are here." Mark says and hugs me. This feels so wrong...

"Yeah...Me too and I'm so sorry about everything... You know I did it for you, Mark." Lies, lies, lies, I'm such a great liar.

"Oh, Selenia, I know, I know. Forget Newt, okay?" Mark asks and holds me closer. Oh boy, you have no idea what I've done. You have no idea and I can't wait for you to see.

"Newt who?" I ask and back off. He grabs my hands and smiles to me. I smile back and bite my tongue. Don't cry. Do not cry, don't do it.

"I love you." Marks says. I swallow. He loves me? Oh fuck.

"I love you more." I say and I feel something moving. I look to the left and see Newt staring at me. "Newt?"

"No, I'm MARK." He says  witha an angry tone and then he pushes me away from him.

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