And now it's all over

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I open my eyes and see Gally and Mark staring at me. It takes me few seconds before I remember what's going on.

"Newt." I say and stand up. "Where is he? What's going on? Is he alright? In pain? Sick? Where's One? I saw a bullet...!"

"I killed him." Gally says and sits down on the bed next to me. "Are you okay?" He asks and start to softly play with my hair. I close my eyes when the memories start to flash through my mind. I thought I was going to die and I was happy about it. I thought the bullet was going to hit me. "Shuck the cure, if you can't do the last test we'll just..."

"No." I say and open my eyes. "I have to keep on moving. But... Wait, you said you killed One. Why can't we just take the Cure... Wait, we don't even know where it is..:!" I stand up and start to panic. I just walked through hell. I met my worst nightmare. Have I been through all this shit for nothing? Is this how it's going to end? Not having a change to take down the WICKED?

"We know where it is." Mark says. He places his hand on my shoulder and gently pushes me back to the bed. "We tried to take it but we need a password. And to get that password you need to pass the last test."

"Oh." I say. "Can I pee before that?"


"You never told me where's Newt?" I say and see something weird in Mark's eyes.

"He is passing his own test." He says.

"We.... We are not going together?" I ask and feel a little bit ill again. I need Newt. I need to see him, I need to tell him I love him... "WAIT. IF ONE IS DEAD NEWT DOESN'T HAVE TO KILL HIMSELF!" I yell and smile widely. "Oh, this is just the greatest thing ever, I.... Oh. Mark, I...."

"So you just need to run, grab a gun and shoot. Okay?" He asks and I nod. Fuck, talking about Newt with Mark is soooo awkward.

But Newt is going to make it. WE are going to make it. We'll forgive and forget, start a new life and live. Enjoy life.

"No matter of what happens, shoot, okay? You hear me screaming. Or Gally. SHOOT. If me or Gally scream apple pie for some odd reason, then don't. But no matter of what... Run. Grab the gun. Shoot."

"Am I supposed to kill a person or..." I ask. "And where did you find these things?"

"From Mark's room. I think.... I think it's going to be your mom, Selenia."

"Oh...." I say. "And... I...."

"Are you sure you can do this?" Mark asks and I nod. "I know yesterday was a little bit hard for you..."

"I can do this."I say and nod. "One more kill. One. More. I'm so fucking ready, okay?"

"Okay. Break a leg." He says and smiles. He doesn't tell me he loves me, or he wants me to come back home. He knows he doesn't need to because there will be a tomorrow for me and Newt. We'll see the next sunrise.

"Bring it on." I mutter and open the door.

------ IT'S ALMOST OVER-----

I run in and see a small gun lying on the floor. I grab it and point the door, ready to shoot some brains out. I have no idea who's going to walk in but all I know is that person has to die so I can get the Cure and save lives. Maybe it really is my mom. It could be, I want it to be. I mean, my mom was behind all of this. Isn't it only fair to let her die by my hand?

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