I can't leave without her

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///Newt/// Short chapter, SORRY :( READ THE A/N <3

Maybe I am better without her.

Yeah, maybe I can be happy. Actually, maybe I'll be even happier than I ever was with. Maybe I could go to some bar, hook-up with bunch of girls, maybe date few... Yeah, that would be cool.

Who am I kidding? There is no shucking way that I could live without her. I need Selenia to breath. I need Selenia to laugh, smile, I need her to live. In few ways, I'm like Tinkerbell. She need applause to live, I need Selenia to live. And it hurts to see her with him. He is so wrong for her! He doesn't know anything about her: He doesn't know how to comfort her. How to hold her. How to cuddle, how to play with her... And I'm so right for her. I know all her little things, I know her. What we have isn't just love. It's life, it's more than just life. It's my destination.

"Okay, people!" Our trainor Jasper yells. "It's time to find your partner. Jacob and Bella. Katniss and Peeta. (A:N: I'm so creative, LOL). Chuck and Lisa. Minho and Lily, Mark and Selenia." Shuck. Shuck, shuck, shuck. Why, why, why? Why him and not me? Or why him and not someone else, like Minho or Thomas? It's bad enough to know that they are 'dating' but seeing it? That's painful, that's just pure torture. And I know that Selenia isn't trying to hurt me, but still I hope that my partner would be someone hot and pretty. I want her to be jealous too. Please give me someone hot, please give me someone hot and pretty, please..."Newt and Gally." Well shuck.

I look across the room to see Selenia staring at me. She has sadness is her eyes and she is pouting. 'It's okay' I mouth to her. She shakes her head and points at Mark who is glaring at her. I get up from the floor ready to beat him but Gally steps in front of me.

"Calm down lover-boy. She needs him."

"She needs me." I say and glare at him. I never really realised how long and masculine Gally is. I don't know if girls like it, I mean Selenia is pretty much the only girl I really know. And the only girl I really wanna know. Love sucks.

"Just let her play her game, okay? We had a little chat last night and she told me that she and Mark made-up, he believed that you are just some crazy wannabe and she is over you." Ouch. "Of course she lied, you know that, right? She loves you very much. But, anyway, she knows."

I wait but Gally doesn't talk. He just stands there and stares at me.

"She knows what....?" I ask.

"Oh, you don't know? Last night she broke into WICKED'S lab and she found some pretty interesting information."

"Really, like what?"

"I don't know! She told me but I forgot to listen so I can't remember. But anyway, she was really existed about it."

"Well, well, well." A familiar voice says. "What do we have here. 'The Captain Eyebrow and The 'I can't make my girl stay-boy. How does it feel by the way? To lose your girl for a better man?"

"Mark, that's enough." Selenia snaps. "I'm so sorry Newt, my boyfriend is a little slinthead."

"I told you not to use the glader slang." Mark says gives her a nasty look. I feel Gally standing closer to me, getting ready to stop me from attacking Mark.

"Yes you did. But I'm not your little girl, I'll do what I want. Now leave or apologize from Newt." I smirk grin at her words. She defended me. She chose me over him and it feels so shuckin good. The joy I feel goes away pretty fast because she smiles for me and walks away.

"Okay." Gally says. "Time to train."


Selenia has always been good at this thing. She is fast, clever and she knows what she is doing. She isn't that strong thought, but she is clever. Very clever.

"I did not see that coming!" I say and smile when I try to turn down her attack. But no. She is too fast.

"You never do." She says.

"Was that a threat, honey?"

"Yes, I'm going to bite your dick off." I chuckle at her. She has always been like this. Stong. Confident. Funny, a little bit silly. And she has always been the apple of my eye, the one for me. But now she is the apple of Newt's eye. And yes, she said she is mine but I know that there is something going on. But what?


"I can see her. Selenia. She is good."

"Great." The voice says from my phone. "Bring her to me. And bring me the boy too."

"But sir, which one?" I ask confused. Newt is in love with her but so is Mark.

"Actually, bring them all. Every fucking soul, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

A/N: Happy Christmas! Santa visited me today, I got so many cool gifts. <3 Ed Sheeran's +, The Pretty Reckless Light Me Up album, Katy Perry's Part of me DVD and Royal Revolution, clothes, money, gift cards, Divergent DVD and Friends season 7 and so much more :) How about you? Where do you live BTW? And how old are you?

I'm sixteen and I'm from Finland. :)

Happy Christmas <3

Please don't leave me //The Maze Runner //NewtWhere stories live. Discover now