If I just lay here, would you lie with me?

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///Third pov///

20 comments? c:

Songs for the chapter;

-Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars /Newtlenia's song?

-Ellie Goulding, How long will I love you

-The 1975, fallingfoyou /Newtlenia's song? (My fav band and my fav song)

-One Direction, Night Changes and Stockholm Syndrome

Newt sits down on the chair and swallows the huge lump. There he is, alone in a small hot cabin with his beautiful girlfriend. Selenia smiles at him across the kitchen and starts to fry some chicken. He looks at her and for a second he sees something he doesn't want to; Selenia closes her eyes and bites her lip. She is holding the knife tighter and she is clearly trying not to attack Newt.

"Baby?" He asks quietly. "Are you there?"

"Yeah." She says softly and opens her blue eyes. "I'm still here." She turns away and puts the knife down. Newt swallows the lump again. He can't deny the fact that he slightly scared; He couldn't hurt One, he couldn't lay a finger on him And why? He is in her body.

"Can't wait for the voices to go down." She says and tries to smile. Newt stands up and walks closer to his girl. Selenia takes a step back and it's like wipe flash for Newt. 'Calm down'. He thinks. 'She is trying to protect you.' "Pass the salt, please." Selenia says.

"This place looks so familiar." Newt says and looks around. "I don't know... Have I been here before?" He walks out of the kitchen and looks around the living room. The walls are made of dark brown and the fireplace is made of green bricks. The couch is white and the... What's that? He thinks and walks closer to the wall. Right there, little bit under his eye-level is a small hole, maybe size of his fist. He... Selenia... Maybe...  //A/N: If you have seen One Direction’s Nigh Changes music video, it’s like the living room where Niall hangs out.

He turns around and sees Selenia staring at him. "I made this." He mutters. "I did, didn't I? I've been here before... We played hide and seek, didn't we? You hid under that table, I didn't find you... I made this hole, it was an accident, I think... It was, wasn't it?" Selenia gives him a small smile and she nods twice.

"You we pretending to be a baseball player." She says and sits down on the couch. "This is Mark's cabin but..."

"This was our place."


"I...." Newt says and sits down next to her. "This is were I kissed you for the first time."

"Yep." Selenia says and leans her head against his shoulder. Newt smiles at the small gesture and wraps his arm around her waist. "I thought that these memories were gone forever."

"Me too." Newt says and pulls her closer. "But I'm happy to have some kinda memory. I was always pretty angry about the fact that you remembered and I didn't..."

"But now you do."

For few minutes they are completely silent. Neither of them is speaking or even thinking, they are just simply enjoying each others company. Newt looks around the room, trying to remember more. The smell of chicken is familiar too...

"I can't cook, can I?" He asks and Selenia giggles. "I burn everything. And I can't really clean either, but that's okay because I am not very messy person... Unlike you."

"Yeah, I'm a pig." She says and grunts few times. Newt starts to laugh and he throws his back laughing like a small boy. Selenia smiles at him; It feels like it has been ages since he laughed.

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