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How are you guys? Good? Doing good, doing bad, tell me! Okay, so I've done a lot of thinking, and from this day, I will be updating three of my stories:

-She's kinda hot


-In his loving arms /Based on Draco Malfoy, CHECK IT OUT!!!!

I used to write chapters from 1000 to 2000 words, but no my goal is from 600 to 800. With this I can update more often. Even though I know it's shitty when the chapter is short, but I know that some ppl are pissed of when I don't update and they punish me; They don't vote or comment and that is sad.

Again, I would like to ask you all to keep on voting, commenting on my stories. It would mean a lot to me.

Few words of my stories; She's kinda hot is based on Calum Hood, he is a werewolf.

Haunted is my sequel to He gives me shelter, based on Peter Pan (LOVE THIS STORY)

And then In his loving arms, a story of Selenia (yes, I recycle names) and Draco, trying to find their place in the world.

Also, I have my first story on wattpad, I would die for you. It's about Newt and it has two sequels.

Keep on voting, commenting etc. Thank you for your support!

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