The game

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I got the inspiration from The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins.

Also, remember to read my fanfiction about Peter Pan :) It's called I loved you first and it includes Captain Hook and girl named Blair... :O

AND HEEEY, I have a lot of ‘ghost’ followers :O Like my chapters has over 100 reads but maybe 5, 6, or 7 votes, so remember to vote and COMMENT MORE THAN ONCE ;)

This one is for my friend; @newt_instruments if you have newt_instruments as your reader, you are very lucky, because my bae's comments are the best. But honey, you are not aloud to read any other Newt-fanfics, your love belongs to me :( Not really... Yes. It does... Hah, joking.... Nope.

////Third P.O.V.////

"So." Minho says and sits next to Selenia. He is wearing his green t-shirt and pink pants with rainbows. Selenia smiles and tries to hide her laugh - she is actually looking up to Minho. Though his clothes are clearly meant for small girls he is man enough to wear them. "What was so important that you had to wake me up during my beauty sleep?" Selenia rolls her eyes and tries to see if she could already see Newt. She hadn't heard about him since last night's training. And she understands why, it must be hard for Newt, but she misses him so much.

"Okay, everyone." Selenia stands up and looks around the room to find her friends sitting on soft pillows.. "Gally? Yes.” She says and tries to find out if someone is missing or late. “Thomas? Yes…. Minho?"

"Is going back to sleep." Minho says and closes his eyes. He fakes yans and thinks that he is the boss because he slayed Selenia..

"MINHO WAKE UP RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR STUPID KLUNK." Selenia screams and Minho stands up looking shocked. "Sorry," He says and sits back, little bit embarrassed.

"Frypan? Yes. Chuck? Hey Chuck. Newt?" Selenia asks and looks across the room. "Newt? Well, he is not here, we nee to move on. So, I already told Gally that found some pretty interesting klunk about WICKED and their plans for us. As we all know, there is a unknow reason for us being here. Well, I know something... Uh, um  Well, the world we once knew has been destroyed by a disease called the Flare. It killed millions of people in just few days and now it threatens the rest of us. My goal is to stop the tests WICKED is doing, and find the cure for the Flare. Because WICKED isn’t doing anything good. I mean, they are going to test us, because we are immune and then kill us." Selenia says and stops talking for a while.

"WHAT?" Frypan asks. "You joking, right?"

"No." Selenia says. "And most of us is immune to this disease... I know I am. And Newt is... But the fact that I'm immune must stay as a secret, okay? Because if they find out, I'll lose all my contacts and they'll kill me. That's why I'm 'dating' Mark. That's why I never hang out with you guys. Not because I don't want to, but because I need to act that I'm with them, okay? Okay. Now.... Umm... Well, I also realised, that we are not the only Glade...  There is at least ten different glades. We are called Group A. Than there is Group B, C, D, E etc. I don't know why we are separated, but I know that Group B is full of girls and there is only one boy.... AND. Group B, C, D and E are here too.... Somewhere."

"WHAT?" Gally asks.

"Oh Thomas, pinch me, I can't believe this. OUCH, not that hard, bitch!" Minho screams and Selenia glares at him.

"Well, klunk."

"Bloody hell." A british accent says. Selenia turns around and glares at Newt. Today she had glared way too many times.

"You are late." She says and Newt blushes. "Next time I'll kick you out, okay? I just wanna make it clear to everybody; Rules are rules, and once I say something, it happens, okay? Good. Now, let's get back to business. I have no idea about the future... But, something big is coming. I heard some klunk about some kinda game or something... It's about life and death they said. Literally. Some kinda arena... I seriously don't know. But let's not worry about that... Yet."

"Game?" Gally asks. "Sounds interesting, I call the dibs!"

"Well, WICKED sounded pretty serious about it. I don't know if I'll be there too, after all, they still think I’m immune because my mom and Mark protects me..." Selenia thinks out loud.

"I hope you won't be there too." Newt says and this time Selenia blushes. "We don't wanna lose you.”

"Well, whatever it is, we'll get through it together." Thomas says.

"YEAH, 'CUZ baby 'we are all in this together...:!" Minho sings and Selenia laughs. Everybody stands up and prepares to leave. Selenia waves as a goodbye and hugs Newt. But there is something in his hug that makes her worried; Something has happened. Selenia doesn't have enough time to ask about, because she needs to go before Mark wakes up and sees her missing.


"LET GO OF ME!" Selenia screams. "LET GO!" She tries to fight against these strongs hands but nothing happens. "FU*K YOU, LET GO OF ME!" She kicks but there is too many people. Shuck, she thinks. I’m being kidnaped. Shuck, shuck, shuck.

"Hold her still." Somebody says.

"She just bit me, I'm going to kill you bi*ch!"

"Everyone SHUT UP."Low and raspy voice says. Selenia looks up and sees a young man with a curly dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She looks away trying to see an exit. There is one white door and one big tube but that’s it. Why is she her? Did somebody find out about her? "Look at me, Selenia, look at me." He holds Selenia's chin and squeezed lightly. "You wanna see your friends, right? You wanna meet them? Minho, Chuck, Gally? And that little Newt? Yes? Then shut the fu*k up and listen to me." (A/N: Picture in the side)

Selenia stares at him - he is pretty young, maybe few years older than her, nineteen, twenty, maybe. And he is handsome, but in a different way than Newt is. He seems... Mean.

"See that tube over there? You are going to step inside and wait for few minutes. Than the tube will move and you will end up into a huge arena what will include your little friends and buch of other unknown  'gladers', you got that little bit*h? Yes? Good. And you will kill them. Not your friends, but all those gladers you don't know. And if your little group will survive, you'll win. And if you'll win... Well, congratulation."

"Why? Why should I kill them?" Selenia asks.

"Because we need to know who's strong and who's not. Are you? Are you ready to kill to stay alive? I know you are, I mean I saw you killing that girl. I bet Newt doesn't know about it."

"I don't care what Newt thinks." Selenia lies.

"Sure you don't... Sure you don't.... Now please, walk into the tube before I'll fuck*ing kill you with my own hands, okay?" Selenia steps into the tube and she feels her blood raising. Maybe this is just a trick. Maybe this tube will kill her, maybe she will run out of air. Maybe this tube will read her mind or something. "And Selenia?" She turns around and is surprised when she sees this new man smiling to her. "Be careful, trust me, you don't want to die yet."

A/N: Any thoughts about this new man? Who is he and what he wants? Do you like the actor, Alex Pettyfer? Remember to comment and vote ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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