5 years later

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---- 5 years later ----

"Selenia, should I wear the pink dress or the blue one?" Chuck's little sister Alyssia asks. "The pink one looks better with my hair but the blue one suits my nose."

"Your nose?" I ask and giggle. Alyssia is the best 7-years old girl I know. She is funny, sweet and really silly. It has been amazing to see her grow with Chuck. "You should wear the blue one, I mean after all,it's Chuck's favourite colour. And it's his 18th birthday so..."

"Right! I um... Can I ask you something?" Alyssia says and starts to re-do her hair. Gosh, young girls can be also so annoying. I should have just told her t wear the pink, maybe then she wouldn't have started to re-do her hair. "Who... Who's Newt?" She asks.

For a moment I stop breathing. Newt. My lovely Newt. Wow, it's been only five minutes since the last time I thought about him.

"Newt... He, um... Remember when I told you about the glade? He was my boyfriend. He died five years ago."

"Oh." Alyssia says and looks at me through the mirror. I bite my tongue as hard as I can. Don't cry, i think. Don't cry, not now. "I just hear Chuck talking about him. And... You loved him, right?"

"Yes. A lot." Selenia, do not cry. Not yet.

"Are you going to marry...-" She is about to say his name. My boyfriend's name. I can't handle this now so I raise my finger to shut her.

"Okay. Well... Look. What if I call my dad and ask him to visit, I should go to do something...?"


The life after the maze was never the same. Our group fell into three different groups. The dead one, Mark and Newt. The leaders, Me, Thomas and Minho. And the ones who decided to leave in the glade like Frypan and Gally.

In these days, people can chose what they do with their lives. You can study like I did. Or you can skip school and be a cook like Frypan decided to do.

I live in a big house with Chuck and Alyssa. I guess I'm a mom or something. I meet my own dad every now and then but not that often enough. Most of my time goes to taking care of Chuck and Alyssa, meeting my therapist and working.

I guess you could say that I'm a leader or something. Minho is a leader too, but unlike me he takes care of the glades, I take care of families and orphans. Thomas is trying to take care of elders, but he isn't really good at it.

I sit down on the ground and stare at Mark's grave.

I am still mad at him. He never told me that he got The Fleur. He just suffered quietly and ran away when the time was right. He left me all alone. According to his letter he didn't think that he could 'live after all he went through...' AND BULLSHIT. What about me? I went through a LOT of shit too.

One held me and Gally as a hostage for days. He tortured us, killed people in front of us... I survived from that! He was in MY HEAD for days, weeks, months... I SURVIVED. I went to the fucking glade and survived. I lost Newt and sur-. Well no.

I never survived from that. I am still as broken as I were before. I think about him every day. How different my life would be if I have managed to find a way to save him.

How would it feel to raise Chuck and Alyssa with Newt instead of HIM. How would it feel to share my big bed with NEWT? Or making pancakes with Newt? I bet that would be wonderful... But no.

"Mark, I hate you." I say and stand up from the ground. "Fuck you."

I open the front door to my house and smile when I see Chuck. This might sound weird but Chuck turned out to be a very handsome man. All the girls love him in school. I don't even wonder why, Chuck is just simply awesome. He is funny, sweet and kind to everyone. I don't know what he'll do when he turns 20. Will he chose the glade or the capitol?

He can have anything he wants; Capitol, the glade A (our glade), B, C, D, E or F. Every glade is different from the other but they are all as good as the other. I personally think that Chuck would make a great leader, he is smart but I think he is going to volunteer and spend his life on the glade E and paint for the rest of his life and stuff like that.

"Aw, look at you." I say and hug him. "You look great."

"Thanks S." He says.

"Hey babe!" I turn to my left and see Thomas walking towards me. I walk closer to him. I have to admit I feel little bit surprised when he kisses me. He knows I am not a fan of PDA, especially when Alyssa seems to hate it so much.

"Hi Thomas." I say and look at him. "You look good. I approve."

"Thank you."

"I should change too, I am ready in five."

I walk the stairs to my... To our room and pick my black dress from the closet. Living with Thomas is easy. He is so safe. Obviously being with him is not as easy as being with Newt was, nor as safe but it's okay. Sometimes I feel like...,-

"Can I ask you something?"

I turn to say yes but the view catches my breath. Thomas is there, on his left knee, holding a ring. "Will you marry me?" He asks.

Oh my God. Dear Lord, what am I supposed to say? Yes? No?

I open my mouth to answer but the doorbell rings. It's probably Minho, he was supposed to pick us. "Hold that thought." I say to Thomas and run the stairs down to the first floor. I need to ask Minho what to answer. He knows what to do, he always does. He was the one who told me to move one from Newt.

I open the door. "MINHO! You never know what... Oh, you are not Minho... Wait."

I take a long look at the figure in front of me. Tall body. Nice blond hair. Limp. Familiar brown eyes.


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