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It's been 7 days... Oops. Anyway, I realised that these few chapters has been about Selenia's craziness and it's kinda getting boring, right? So there's going to be at least two chapters about it and than we'll move one, I promise.

Thank you for all the votes and comments. :) This one is for; @newt_instruments  because she is my bae and she makes my day with all her comments and love. If I would do a bae-list you would be bae number one..

OH, and thank you all for reading my Peter Pan fanfiction, called 'he gives me shelter.' :)


"Selenia?" I ask quietly. "Is it you?" There she is, sitting on a chair, tied up so she can’t kill me… The idea of somebody trying to make her do it makes me sick. I need to help her. I need to stop the voices, I need to do something. No, I have to do it, as her protector, its my job... Gally, Minho and Mark are behind the door, ready to help if something happens... And nothing won't, right?

She shakes her head and opens her eyes. They are black. It's him.

"Hello." She/he says and smiles for me and I feel disgusted. That's Selenia's body. Her face, her nose, her hair.. Her lips... I know those lips. They have kissed me many times, but now they are giving me an evil smile. I'm looking at my beautiful girlfriend but it's not her. It's someone else, someone who wants to kill me. Someone who wants her to kill me.

"Hello." I look at those black eyes and try to figure out what to do. Should I just ask.. Or wait...?

"Why am I here?" He/she asks.

"I think you know why."

"You want answers." He/She says and chuckles. Oh, it’s nice to know that somebody thinks that making people insane is hilarious. This is very nice, maybe I should order a pizza or sit down for a tea?

"Of course. You are torturing my girlfriend." I say behind my teeth. "What should I call you by the way? Bitch? Cow? Slinthead? Gutless?"

"You can call me One." He says and smiles widely.

"ONE?" I ask and laugh. "Why One? Was Zero, Two and Three already taken?"

"Fuck you." One says and grins. "You shouldn't test my patient. Remember, that I LIVE in her. Maybe I'll just kill myself. Or worst. I'll kill you and wake her up just enough to see how your soul leaves your dead body, she would love to see that."

"You wouldn't do that. You want something. What is it?"

"And what is it for me? Why should I tell you?"

"Name your price." I say and bite my tongue. I’m so nervous… Damn, what would Selenia do? She would be arrogant, rude, bitchy and sassy… Or than she would be extremely nice.

"Nothing specific. If I’ll answer your questions.... You'll owe me a favour."

"What kind of favour?"

"You will do something for me. When the time is right. Don't worry, it won't hurt her or you."

"I guess... How many questions do I have?"

"Four." What? Is One fucking kidding me? I have four questions?

"FOUR?" I repeat that question just to make sure that I heard correctly. Four. Like one, two, three and four?

"Yes. Problem?” He asks and I shake my head. I’m not here to fight, calm down your temper…” Good."

"What do you want from her?"

"I want to make her suffer and kill her." I gulp at his words. He could do that.


"Because she escaped me and every member of her family should die."

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