Can't trust a cold blooded woman

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A/N: This chapter include sassy Selenia, hope you'll like it ;) And some sassy Minho too, ANDAND, there is probably one part that will make you little bit confused, but be patient, it will all make sense.

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Song for the chapter; The Pretty Reckless, 'Cold blooded.'

Can't trust a cold blooded woman
Boy, don't you lie in her bed
You can't trust a cold blooded woman
She'll love you and leave you for dead
There's one thing you must understand
You can't trust a cold blooded woman

"Where is he?" Selenia asks when she enters wicked's nw room. "WHERE IS HE?" She screams at the top of her lungs and pushes a man aside and walks towards her mother. "Where. The fuck. Is he?" (A/N: Should I censor swearing?)

"Selenia, calm your voice." She says and stands up. "No need to make a scene. Remember to hide your nature."

"No, mom." Selenia says and janks her hand away from her mother. "No more hiding, no more secrets. WHERE'S NEWT?"

"You are risking your life, honey."She says with her cold voice. "Let's talk in my office."

"No. No, I want to know. WHERE. IS. HE?" Selenia look around the room and pulls out a gun from her pocket. She points at someone and asks again. "Where is he?"

"He...He is in a truck." He says with a shaky voice. "With the other exams." He holds his hands in the air when he sees the nasty glare Selenia gave him.

"Exams. EXAMS, is that what you call us?" She asks and turns to face her mother. She is still holding the gun but now she is pointing at the ceiling. "Exam. Is that what you call me? Am I just some fucking exam for you!?"

"You should know better, Selenia." Ava Paige says and points at the big screen above her head."After all, Mark is the one you should hate."

"Mark is innocent." She says but her heart skips a beat when she sees Mark driving a big truck. He couldn't and he wouldn't. he wouldn't do that to her, he wouldn't hurt Newt, he knows how much Selenia loves him...

Love. Is that the reason why Mark is doing this? Because he wants to take Newt away from her? No. There must some kinda explanation.... Right? Mark wouldn't do this to her...

"Than why is he driving the truck?"

"Shut feeding your shit to me." Selenia says and points at her head with the gun. "Now help me to get him back or I'll fucking kill myself. You got that little bitch?"

Ava gasps at her daughters rude words and takes a step back. "Selenia... You have changed."

"Yes and the honour of that goes for you. You did this to me. You changed me."

"What have I ever done for you?"


"Selenia, put the gone down." One says in her head.

"No." She gasp. "Fuck you are awake, LEAVE."

"NO, put the gun down, walk out of the fucking room or I'll take control and make sure you'll never see him again."

"You would like that wouldn't you?"

"No, I would LOVE that."

"FINE." She says. "I'll see you mother fuckers later." She says, wipes her hair dramatically, whispers 'I'm fabulous', walks out of the room and slams the door behind her. "Now let's go and save my boyfriend's ass. Than we'll kick it.

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