Maybe I'm insane. (Do I update too often?)

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Today's A/N: There is no Author's note... HAPPY? “Because I'm happy, Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof, Because I'm happy, Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth…” NO, THERE IS, AT THE END, ONLY FEW WORDS, READ IT PLEASE



BY THE WAY! FEW people asked me to explain last chapter? Was is bad? Didn't you understand? Ask me here if you need some information ;)

Please, Tommy, please…

OH MY GOD. *feels


---Few days later---

Running. Running and running.

My leg hurts more than ever and all I want to do is die right now. I thought life before Selenia was full of klunk but now I see that before all this everything was fine. I wasn't happy, but I surely was happier. And the worst thing is that after everything she did for me, I still love her. I miss her and I'm so worried about her. Where is she? Did she kill someone? Is she even alive? I hope she is...

Left. Left. Right, straight until we see stairs. Running in the new hallway. Sweat. My skin is so sweaty, I need to stop running, I can’t breath… Running. Running. Running and running.

Where is she? Where is Thomas? I know he kissed her, but I'm still worried about him, after all his was my friend Or was he? What kinda friend kisses Selenia? A good one? NO. But still.... Is he alive? Did Selenia meet her? What happened? Are they together? ARE THEY KISSING?

"Newt, I can't see!" Minho says next to me.

"No klunk Sherlock."

"Who's Sherlock?" Chuck asks and I feel slightly annoyed. Chuck is so stupid. Minho is so stupid. Thomas is even stupider and Selenia is the stupidest! No... Chuck is not stupid, Minho is not stupid and Selenia is totally not stupid. And Thomas isn't... Well, maybe he is.. Just little bit.

"I'll tell you later, Chuckie. Now we have to focus on surviving. And that means winning. Gally, how many people has to die before the end of this game?"

"Two." He says.

"Do you think Selenia and Thomas are still alive?" Frypan asks and I feel a tear falling down my cheek. Why. WHY? Why her? Why me? What happened to her? That wasn't Selenia talking, I'm pretty sure Minho didn't try to rape her. I'm pretty sure she loves me back.. Atleast I hope she does.

"They are." Minho says with a confident tone. "Selenia is clever. And fast. And Thomas is... Well, not as smart as her, but he is fast and strong. They can run and escape. Plus, Mark wouldn't let them die. RIGHT MARK? YOU WOULDN'T WANT YOUR LITTLE GIRL TO DIE, RIGHT?" He looks at the roof and I laugh. He thinks they are watching us.

"Minho, I know you are pissed about her claiming that you raped her, but she wasn’t herself. Something is going on, you know it." Gally says and I feel the weight on my shoulders disappearing. Thank God someone else thinks the same way. Good.

Suddenly we hear a female scream and a gunfire. I start to run towards the voice, hoping that it was and wasn't Selenia. Please don't be dead.... I open the door and see two man laying on the floor, blood coming out of them. I look up and see Selenia holding a gun towards me.

"I'm going to fucking finish you." She says to me and smiles widely. “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, NEWT. I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!”

After a second the smile disappears and there is pure horror on her voice. "NO!" She screams and drops the gun. "NO, NO, NO, NONONONO." She sits down and holds her legs against her chest. "SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP, LEAVE ME ALONE."

I do nothing. I just stare at her, hoping to understand what she’s doing. First she wants to kill me, now she wants me to shut up? But I didn't even say anything. "Newt. Run.” She stands up and looks at me with pleading look. She begging…. “ Run before I do something. RUN NEWT!" She wipes the tears away and sits down again, with a devil grin on her face. "I'm going to kill you, okay? I'm going to end you, you got that little.... NO! NEWT, PLEASE RUN!"

I feel something pushing me aside and I fall to the ground. Gally. He runs to Selenia and picks her up bridal-style. "Shh, babe, it's me.... It's me, Gally, you and me, right? You are okay, I promise." What? Wait, what? Gally and Selenia?


"Gally, they don't shut up, I want them to SHUT THE FUCK UP, Gally...."

"It's okay... Baby, it's okay, I'm here....:" Gally looks at me and sees the furious looks. He gives me a warm ' dude calm down'-smile and says: "Newt, no, we are not like that, she is like a sister to me."

"He doesn't understand, Gally." She says quietly and wraps her arms around his neck. "Nobody does, Gally...." Her face expression changes again and she gives me a glare. "PUT ME DOWN. NOW!" Gally looks at her full of concern and slowly puts her to the ground. "I'm not a toy, okay? Mark!" She yells and looks at the ground. I guess he really  is watching us. "I killed them all, I can go home now!"

--- A week after the game---

"How does it feel to be the victor?" A woman named Ava Paige asks. Her hair is blonde and it's on a tight bun. "You did a great job, you killed only a one person and you survived,"

"What's wrong with Selenia?" I ask. She looks at the ground for a second before she gives me a cold fake smile. "Absolutely nothing. She is just tired. You know she is getting married with Mark?"

"Yes, yes, 'nothing is wrong with her, she is tired', you are just so full of lies and... What? She... She is getting ma-... What? Are you sure?" She gives me a smile and nods.

"She just told me. He proposed her this morning. I've never seen happier..." That is a knife to my chest. Married? MARRIED, she is getting married? MARRIED? TO MARK? "I'm actually glad you brought her up. STAY. AWAY. FROM. MY. DAUGHTER."

"Actually, Ava, I might even stay away." I say. "I'm tired of being her toy." And without looking back, I walk out of her room.


---Two days later:---





Selenia.... Selenia... Selenia...


Kill him.


Kill him....


Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill them all.


They hurt you. He did this to you. He is the reason I'm here.

No, I... No...

You are doubting. You want to kill them, don't you? You want to stab him and see his soul leaving his body.

Yes! No! I don't... I DO NOT.

Don't lie to me, Selenia. I know you. After all, I am YOU.

No, you are not. And now I am not killing anybody. At Least not anymore...


To be insane or not to be? Maybe I am crazy. Maybe this is all normal. Maybe I am fine. Maybe I'm dead. Whatever I am, I can't kill him.

Because Mark is your everything...

You are right. He is.

SMALL A/N: Do you like the crazy Selenia? What's wrong with her? Who is the voice in her head? Is Newt GIVING UP on he? Do you want that? Should I update less? THOUGHTS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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